
发布时间:2017-06-07 20:21



Security questions risks


Researchers at Google discovered that security questions as a standalone method forrecovering access to accounts is not an efficient model.


The study relied on a dataset of hundreds of millions of secret answers and millions of accountrecovery requests.


If the user set up a truthful answer, according to statistics provided by the researchers, in19.7% of the cases, an attacker would need a single try to guess the correct answer to thequestion "What is your favorite food?" in the case of American users.


With 10 guesses, an attacker would have a 39% chance of guessing Korean-speaking users'answers to the question "What is your city of birth?"


As per their findings, the recovery mechanism based on reset SMS codes recorded a successrate of 81%, while the method relying on backup emails proved to be efficient in 75% of thecases.




Chinese Internet users may become easy prey to cyberattacks, online malware and Internetfraud, according to a report released on Monday that stresses the urgency of raising people'scybersecurity awareness.


The Chinese netizen cybersecurity report showed that about 55% of Chinese Internet usershave been victims of online fraud. However, only 12.35% of them chose to contact police.


And about 80.21% respondents said they connect to public Wi-Fi without checking carefully.


Among those aged 7-19, 40.3% often sweep the code without concerns for security.


The report was released by the Electronic Technology Information Research Institute, asubsidiary of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China. More than 254,000people participated in the survey.




The White House on Wednesday lauded the first China-US ministerial dialogue on fighting cyber crimes as "an important step" that will strengthen the bilateral relations.


"The fact that the dialogue, however, is taking place is an important step," White House spokesman Josh Earnest told a daily news briefing. "Being able to communicate clearly with our Chinese counterparts, whether they’re national security officials or law enforcement officials, is important and can strengthen the relationship between our two countries and can advance goals that both of our countries share."

“事实上,对话本身将是重要的一步,”白宫发言人Josh Earnest告诉每日新闻简报。”无论是国家安全官员还是执法官员,都能与我们的中国同行进行交流,这是很重要的,可以加强我们两国之间的关系,并能促进我们两国的共同目标。”

The two-day talks were co-chaired by China’s State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Guo Shengkun with US Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson.

为期两天的会谈由中国国务委员兼公安部部长郭声琨与美国司法部长Loretta Lynch和国土安全部长Jeh Johnson共同主持。

The dialogue, as agreed at the summit held at the White House in September by Chinese President Xi Jinping and his US counterpart Barack Obama, is aimed at removing one of the major obstacles to the development of the bilateral relations.


Earnest said that Obama and Xi once again discussed the cyber security issue during their meeting in Paris, France where they attended the UN Climate Change Conference two days ago.

白宫发言人Josh Earnest表示,两天之前,在法国巴黎举行的联合国气候变化大会上,奥巴马和习近平会面期间再一次商讨了网络安全问题。

"The issue of cyber security was raised in their conversations. This continues to be a top priority of ... President Obama in terms of our relationship with China," he said.


Earnest expressed the hope that those important conversations, can serve as "a forum for more and continued information sharing between our two countries on the cyber security issue."

Earnest 希望这样的重要会话可以成为“两国分享关于网络安全话题等更多信息的重要平台。”

The spokesman reiterated that the US "welcomes a rising China, and a rising China that is committed to assuming the international responsibilities that come along with a growing economic power."

