
发布时间:2017-03-22 20:37


英语手抄报文字资料1:Language Notes

second thought 字面上指“第二个想法”,实际上就是指“从新考虑‘重新思考”,常用以下的片语:

Without a second thought 毫不从新考虑;想都不想

Alan lent him the money without a second thought.


on second thought 重新考虑以后改做某事

I want vanilla ice cream. On second thought, I’ll have chocolate ice cream, instead.



讲到对某件事多考虑一下,中文常说“三思而后行”, 而英文里则是用think twice来表示喔!

You should think twice before driving in this weather.








英语手抄报文字资料2:House hunting

One day Mother Bear said. "This house is too little for us. Baby Bear has nowhere to play on cold days." "Yes," said Father Bear. "The cold winter is coming. Let's go and find a big cave."

In the morning Father Bear, Mother Bear and Baby Bear went into the forest to look for a new home. They wanted to find a big warm cave.

"This one is too little," said Baby Bear.

"It's a home for a rabbit." "This one is too big," said Baby Bear.

"That's not a home for bears," said Mother Bear. "It's a home for a moose!"

"Let's go and look for a cave in the hills by the river," said Father Bear.

Baby Bear went up the hill first. He saw a beehive. "I can smell the honey inside it," he said.

Then Mother Bear saw a door in the hillside. She opened it. "Here's a big warm cave," she said. "This is a good home for bears."

"We can go fishing in the river if we come here," said Father Bear.

The three bears went inside. Baby Bear ran downstairs. "This is Father Bear's bed, this is Mother Bear's bed, and this is my bed," he said.

"Let's move in today." Said Mother Bear. So they did.
