
发布时间:2016-12-02 00:11


证券相关英语词汇 D-E :

data material 数据材料

dealing 交易

dealing in futures contracts 期货合约交易

dealing in securities 证券交易

debenture 债权证

debt securities 债务证券

defalcation 亏空

default 违责

default proceedings 违责处理程序

default rules 违责处理规则

defaulter 违责者

deliver 交付

depositary receipt 寄存单据

deputy chairman 副主席

derivative contract 衍生工具合约

derivatives 衍生工具

digital signature 数码签署

director 董事

dispute 争议

disqualification order 取消资格令


duty of disclosure 披露责任

employee 雇员

equity derivatives 股本衍生工具

equity linked instruments 股票挂钩票据

equity securities 权益证券

equivalent corporation 等同法团

equivalent shares 相等股份

every officer of it who is in default


Exchange Company 交易所公司

exchange contract 交易所合约

Exchange Fund 外汇基金

Exchange Fund Bill 外汇基金票据

Exchange Fund Note 外汇基金债券

exchange participant 交易所参与者

exchange participant’s representative 交易所参与者代表

exchange traded fund 交易所买卖基金

exchange traded funds market maker 交易所买卖基金庄家

excluded clients 豁除客户

excluded interests 豁除权益

excluded liabilities 豁除负债

excluded person 豁除人士

executive 执行人员

executive director 执行董事

executive officer 主管人员

exempted body 获豁免团体;豁免团体

existing client 原有客户

expert 专家

证券相关英语词汇 F-H :

fee 费用

financial accommodation 财务通融

financial product 金融产品

financial resources rule 财政资源规则

financial statement 财务报表

financial year 财政年度

first public announcement date 首次公开宣告日期

floating losses 浮动亏损

floating profits 浮动利润

foreign currency 外币

foreign exchange agreement 外汇协议

foreign exchange trading 外汇交易

foreign intermediary 外地中介人

former associated entity of an intermediary


former licensed corporation 前持牌法团

founder 成立人

fraudulent misrepresentation 欺诈的失实陈述

free delivery basis 信用交付形式

function 职能

futures adviser 期货顾问

futures broker 期货经纪

futures consultant 期货顾问

futures contract 期货合约

futures dealer 期货交易商

Futures Exchange Company 期交所

Futures Exchange Compensation Fund


futures market 期货市场

Futures Market Maker 期货庄家

futures non-clearing dealer 期货非结算交易商

futures or options clearing house


GEM 创业板

gross foreign currency position


group of companies 公司集团

guaranteed 作出担保

guilty of misconduct 犯失当行为

haircut amount 扣减数额

haircut percentage 扣减百分率

HKEC 交易结算公司

HKFECC 期货结算公司

HKIAC 仲裁中心

HKSCC 香港结算公司

hold 持有

holding company 控股公司

Hong Kong Exchange Fund 香港外汇基金

Hong Kong register 香港登记册
