
发布时间:2017-06-12 18:30



visual training

the squad were having "visual training". one smart recruit was asked by the officer to count how many men composed a digging party in a distant field. the party was so far away that the men appeared as mere dots, but unhesitatingly the recruit replied:

"sexteen men and a sergeant, sir."

"right; but how do you know there's a sergeant there?"

"he's not doing any digging, sir."







quick reaction

my battery commander and i were interviewing candidates for a position as reconnaissance sergeant in our artillery unit. the selected soldier needed to have keen eyesight, plus the ability to react quickly. during one interview, the commander pointed to a hill about a mile away and asked a young sergeant, "can you see that hill over there?"

"yes, sir." he replied.

"can you see the radio antenna on that hill?" again, the soldier said that he could. "well, then," the commander went on, "can you see that bird sitting on the antenna?"

the sergeant leaned forward and squinted. "no, sir," he said, "but i can hear it is singing."

he got the job.








Large Uniforms

During our first three days at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, we were herded from place to place for haircuts, shots and uniforms. Back in our barracks, the drill instructor told us to put on our uniforms and fall out in front of the building. Some of the uniforms, however, were extremely large. As we filed outside, the sergeant stood by the door with his assistant. "We have to take some of these people back for refitting," he said. "That last man took two steps before his uniform moved."


