
发布时间:2017-06-05 18:53



They reject that formalism as an impediment to language's access to the real, and to our access to the real through language.


It's an invention of a barbarous age which a blind and ignorant population will accept only to its own vexation, hindrance, and constraint.


And Freud believed, as well, that if you have a problem at a certain stage, if something goes wrong, you'll be stuck there.


I would argue that it was pluperfect obviously disabled the banks and the major investment banks.


In order to counteract the packaged and monumental form of The Norton, ] I will be using Beinecke's and Sterling's resources, using Power Point digitized files.


And I thought it would be useful And I thought it would be useful to have to have opportunities to work with students opportunities to work with students about the issues about the issues outside the classroom outside the classroom that might either inform or impede that might either inform or impede their development their development as scholars.


But now, this is the piece de resistance.


The state could strike back with unparalleled savagery against those people who got in the way, and that's what happened at the commune, in the Paris Commune.


All tended to hinder technological innovation in those societies.

但都阻碍了 社会技术革新的趋势

You don't feel any weight because your weight is the opposition you get to falling through the floor; but if the floor is giving way and you're just falling freely, you feel weightless.


So according to Wellhausen, the early period of ancient Israel must have been characterized by a free, more natural form of religion, an intimate relationship with God, unencumbered or unsullied by the legalistic cultic obsessions of priests and cult.



In fact, it exists, amazingly, in order to hinder understanding in the kinds of texts that we're inclined to call "poetic."


It slows us down, yes, but this slowing down is a means of enriching what we finally grasp to be the meaning of a text.


And what are some of the obstacles to sustain high growth? Some questions are... we are going to look at today.


And those who argue it's not possible and use science to argue for that, very often,are hurting more than helping the field.


As Dero says, " "soul grows more by subtraction than by addition", by getting rid of these limitations, limitations that are preventing us from fulfilling our potential.


Alfred North Whitehead Alfred North Whitehead,the philosopher: "The careful shielding of a university from the activities of the world around us is the best way to chill interest and to defeat progress.


I think it might actually be the more obvious meaning, which is "to hinder" or "to preclude."


It blocks motor neurons from affecting muscle fibers.


And you can kick it down the road ... but somebody down the road... I think it's very important to make the tax cuts permanent to prevent the taxes from increasing It would be really a large drag on the economy.


The relationship between the depth of the speaker's feeling and the obscurity of Lucy in the world is the irony that the speaker wants to lay hold of and that reconciles what seem like disparate facts in the poem.



1. 蒋高明和高吉喜指出,这种状况将阻碍中国的可持续发展。

But pollution, the loss of land and the destruction of ecosystems will hold back the country's future growth, write Jiang Gaoming and Gao Jixi.

2. 由于身体的少年仍在增长和发展,青少年健身可以阻碍。。。

Since the body of a teenager is still growing and developing, teen bodybuilding can stunt the...

3. 我们之间一点阻碍和焦虑也没有。。。。。。

It`s fantastic. We don`t get hung up on...

4. 从内五行德性品质的分类而言,阴五行是阳五行的天敌,是阳五行五德能量的天然破坏者和阻碍者,修养道德就是一个清除阴五行而扶生阳五行的过程,只有将阴五行的特性逐一地从我们的品格中清除,全面扶生阳五行这个五德的品格,整体提升内环境中五德的品格,才能确保五德能量的全面摄入而不被阻碍和虚耗损失。

Only when we completely eliminate the five Yin elements from our moral character, support the virtues of the five Yang elements comprehensively, and enhance the characters of Five De in the internal environment totally can we ensure that the energy of Five De is fully absorbed into the body without barrier and waste.

5. 如果这是他们的目的,以阻碍和威胁民族发展为目的,将不会奏效的。

It is also a way to try and discourage their international supporters.

6. 你不会立即看到结果,并可能阻碍在此期间取得的进展。

You aren't going to see immediate results and it may discourage progress in the meantime.

7. 其目的是招收和留住那些最好的技工并阻碍工会的发展。

In order to recruit and retain the best mechanics and to discourage the growth of labor unions.

8. 第三,机构投资者的动量交易行为会加重了股票收益惯性,这一结论在分别控制股票规模、账面市值比因素后仍成立,并且机构投资者对股票的动量交易行为越强烈,股票收益的惯性也越明显,说明机构投资者具有影响股票价格的能力;进一步的分析表明,惯性利润在长期均实现反转,但反转的周期和程度受动量交易指标值的影响,股票动量交易程度越高,动量收益反转越强烈,反转周期越短,这表明机构投资者的动量交易行为使股价严重偏离其基础价值,在长期,股票价格不断调整逐渐靠近其基础价值,因此可以说,机构投资者对股票的动量交易行为会加重股票收益惯性和阻碍市场效率。

The results are consistent with the interpretation that positive intangible information tends to trigger institutional herding on the buy side.3. The securities Investment Funds act as momentum traders in bear market while as contrariant traders in bull market. Further analysis reveals that momentum trading by investment funds intensifies stock return momentum but stock price experiences a long-term reversal. It indicates return momentum results from mispricing instead of risk. The securities Investment Funds hamper market efficiency when they act as momentum traders.4 Both momentum trading and herding behavior intensify market anomalies and hamper market efficiency. However, momentum trading or herding behavior is the only one of the many aspects of the institutional investor.

9. 但是你在拒绝一些你生命中的元素,这会阻碍你的追求。

But you are refusing to let go of elements in your life that are hindering your quest.

10. 对境外衍生产品的开发和上市将阻碍新西兰市场的形成和深化,而且会对新西兰本地的市场参与者产生不利影响,最终将阻碍新西兰经济发展。

The development and listing of New Zealand derivative products offshore would impede the formation of a broad and deep market in New Zealand, disadvantaging New Zealand market participants and, ultimately, the New Zealand economy.

11. 水资源短缺和水污染已经成为阻碍我国社会经济发展的主要因素之一。

Water resource shortage and pollution have become one of main factors thatobstruct the development of Chinese economy.

12. 然而,三大阻碍也迎面而来。

Yet three obstacles loom ahead.

13. 下半年举行的法国大选也有可能阻碍了谈判的进程。

Elections in France later this year may also break the momentum to strike a deal.

14. 对阻碍他隔离政策的人进行残酷的打压

Brutally crushing the rising resistance to his oppressive regime.

15. 再过几周你就要登基成为国王,我会让任何事阻碍你登基。当

The Queen: In a few weeks'time, you will ascend the throne as king, and I will let

16. 本文在可持续发展的背景下,着眼于建材产业这个具体的经济领域,深入分析了中国传统建材产业目前存在的问题和不可持续发展的现状及问题的根源,论证了新型绿色建材的环境协调性,提出了建材行业必须走发展绿色建材实现环保型经济增长方式之路的观点;论文从环境与经济关系入手,详细地分析了中国经济实现环保型经济增长的必然性以及我国建材产业发展绿色建材的必要性和可行性;着重从市场的角度,比照国外发达国家绿色建材市场发展现状和水平,分析了我国绿色建材市场的发展状况、市场特点和阻碍其发展的主要制约因素,并对如何发展绿色建材市场提出了作者自己的建议。

Based on the background of sustainable development and focused on the buildingmaterials industry, the specific economic field, the paper gives a detailed analysis to theexisting problems concerning non-sustainable development happening in the traditionalbuilding materials industry and the root causing these problems, and it also proves thefeatures of green building materials, with a view to develop green building materialsmarkets to effect sustainable development in building materials industry in the mode ofeconomic increase in accordance with environmental protection.

17. 出口配额将会增加,一些障碍,阻碍中国的出口将被削减。

Export quota will be increased, some of the hurdles hindering China's export will be slashed.

18. 由21个成员国共同举办的亚太经贸合作组织会议日前在悉尼结束,会议要求对在世界贸易会谈中造成的僵局负责,要认真的解决中间的阻碍,并与金融家谈论了目前金融市场上的不利因素。

The APEC meeting ended in Sydney with the 21 member nations, calling for those responsible for the deadlock in the world trade talks to get serious about breaking down barriers, and talk moneyman talk to us about the current concerns besetting the financial markets.

19. 由21个成员国共同举办的亚太经贸合作组织会议日前在悉尼结束,会议要求对在世界贸易会谈中造成的僵局负责,要认真的解决中间的阻碍,并与金融家谈论了目前金融市场上的不利因素。

The APEC meeting ended in Sydney with the the twenty one member nations, calling for those responsible for the deadlock in the world trade talks to get serious about breaking down barriers, and talk moneyman talked to us about the current concerns besetting the financial markets.

20. Bouygues电信公司老板的父亲Martin Bouygues 一向与萨科奇总理交厚,这是否可能阻碍第四家移动通信公司获批,大家拭目以待。

Observers wondered whether the friendship between Martin Bouygues, the boss of Bouygues Telecom`s parent, and President Nicolas Sarkozy might block a fourth licence.
