
发布时间:2017-03-16 11:22


Many college graduates these days settle for any job they can find while still searching for better career opportunities. Graduates often have an employment contract in hand, but will breach it once a more ideal job opportunity comes along.


Though it's reasonable for graduates to search for better opportunities, breaching contractscould undermine their career prospects, according to Feng Lijuan, chief consultant at 51job.com.

"Graduates tend to compare job opportunities based on their immediate interests," she said. "However, they miss the point, which is that many companies start graduates with entry-level positions for a year or two before offering better roles and bigger responsibilities."





文中的breaching contract就是“毁约”的意思,也可以表示为“scrap a contract”,其中breach意为“违反,破坏”,既可以作动词,也可以作名词,如:breach commitments(背弃承诺),breach of the agreement(破坏协议)

第二段中的undermine作动词,意为“暗中损害(伤害)”,表示损坏不是突然间的,而是有一个长期的过程,如:Drugs undermined his health. (毒品损害了他的健康。)
