
发布时间:2017-04-09 00:07



一、单项填空 (共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)

1. — May I speak to Mr. White?

— . He is coming in a minute.

A. You’re welcome B. Hang on, please

C. It’s a pleasure D. Come on, please

2. The party was big success and the children had great fun at the party.

A. a; a B. 不填; 不填 C. 不填; a D. a; 不填

3. No matter what you do, you will much valuable experience as long as you work hard.

A. gather B. gain C. learn D. raise

4. The day we looked forward to at last.

A. come B. coming C. came D. had come

5. — You seem a little upset. What’s the trouble?

— Nothing serious. The TV play me of those sad days.

A. reminds B. remembers C. requires D. recovers

6. — I’m just going to finish the work off first.

— Go on if you .

A. can B. may C. shall D. must

7. It should be obvious to everyone we need to make some changes in the way we live.

A. who B. which C. that D. whether

8. Every time she was in trouble, she always him for help, for he would do anything for her.

A. turned up B. turned to C. turned over D. turned down

9. — Someone is knocking at the door. Is it Helen?

— It be her. She has just gone to New York.

A. mustn’t B. won’t C. needn’t D. can’t

10. Though my grandma is in her seventies, she is still and often helps us do some farming.

A. sensitive B. attractive C. energetic D. confident

11. I need to call my dad and ask for before we go out.

A. application B. permission C. prediction D. information

12. — You should make good preparations before you for Hong Kong next week.

— Yes, I will.

A. set down B. set about C. set off D. set up

13. — Why did you play a trick the shy girl? She’s crying.

— Sorry, I’ll apologize her now.

A. on; to B. on; for C. with; to D. with; for

14. — Did Hu Jin forgive Li Fang for his being late?

— No, he told her that he had mistaken the place.

A. as though B. even though C. so that D. as a result

15. The English contest twice in our school since last month.

A. took place B. was taken place

C. has taken place D. has been taken place

二、完形填空 (共20小题; 每小题1.5 分, 满分30分)

George McNeilon chose his food in Value Mart carefully and bought them at low prices. At the exit, the cold wind 16 him think of his gloves (手套). He 17 remembered he was wearing them when he entered the store. The 18 man searched all his pockets, including the shopping bag. Now, he was sure they must have been 19 somewhere inside the store.

George had bought the 20 gloves for just $35 ten years ago. His 21 to buy the expensive gloves was right, which even increased his status (地位) on the bus, as poorer 22 always looked at his gloves.

George, 23 on the outside but mad on the inside, entered the store again. He followed the 24 route he had walked before and it did not take long for him to 25 that the gloves were not there. His heart grew heavier. His black gloves were 26 . His sharp eyes could not have 27 them.

“People have changed,” he said to himself. “Years ago, if somebody 28 something lost, they would give it back.”

On his way out, he went over to the cashier (收银员) to ask if she had 29 any lost gloves, but she said no.

After the holiday, poor George decided to 30 another pair. But first he stepped into Value Mart again to see if by any 31 his gloves had been returned to the lost and 32 office. “What 33 are they?” the woman in the office asked. “Black,” he replied. She 34 into her drawer and took out a pair of men’s gloves. “Are they?”

“Yes! Those are mine!” George said, his eyes glowing (发光) with 35 .

16. A. told B. heard C. made D. found

17. A. clearly B. hardly C. often D. never

18. A. careful B. pleased C. tired D. worried

19. A. taken B. dropped C. packed D. requested

20. A. white B. black C. red D. brown

21. A. decision B. search C. devotion D. attention

22. A. workers B. children C. drivers D. passengers

23. A. excited B. calm C. sad D. angry

24. A. long B. different C. same D. safe

25. A. permit B. doubt C. realize D. recognize

26. A. gone B. left C. sold D. removed

27. A. cheated B. promised C. missed D. remembered

28. A. hunted for B. picked up C. threw away D. ran out

29. A. bought B. selected C. replaced D. received

30. A. lose B. buy C. paint D. remake

31. A. way B. purpose C. chance D. goal

32. A. given B. found C. helped D. accepted

33. A. color B. size C. form D. quality

34. A. felt B. looked C. touched D. put

35. A. water B. light C. shame D. joy
