
发布时间:2017-04-09 12:46

对小学生来说,英文诗歌可以拓宽他们的英语知识面,对英语教师来说,英文诗歌丰富了课堂教学手段,起到了调控节奏和气氛的作用,是一种创新的英语教学资源。小编精心收集了短篇小学水平的英文诗歌 ,供大家欣赏学习!



a palace poem

xue feng

in twelve chambers the ladies, decked for the day,

peer afar for their lord from their fairy-view lodge;

the golden toad guards the lock on the door-chain,

and the bronze-dragon water-clock drips through the morning

till one of them, tilting a mirror, combs her cloud of hair

and chooses new scent and a change of silk raiment;

for she sees, between screen-panels, deep in the palace,

eunuchs in court-dress preparing a bed.



十二楼中尽晓妆, 望仙楼上望君王。

锁衔金兽连环冷, 水滴铜龙昼漏长。

云髻罢梳还对镜, 罗衣欲换更添香。

遥窥正殿帘开处, 袍裤宫人扫御床。


to my friend at the capital secretary pei

qian qi

finches flash yellow through the imperial grove

of the forbidden city, pale with spring dawn;

flowers muffle a bell in the palace of bliss

and rain has deepened the dragon lake willows;

but spring is no help to a man bewildered,

who would be like a cloud upholding the light of heaven,

yet whose poems, ten years refused, are shaming

these white hairs held by the petalled pin.



二月黄鹂飞上林, 春城紫禁晓阴阴。

长乐钟声花外尽, 龙池柳色雨中深。

阳和不散穷途恨, 霄汉长怀捧日心。

献赋十年犹未遇, 羞将白发对华簪。


to my friend at the capital secretary pei

qian qi

finches flash yellow through the imperial grove

of the forbidden city, pale with spring dawn;

flowers muffle a bell in the palace of bliss

and rain has deepened the dragon lake willows;

but spring is no help to a man bewildered,

who would be like a cloud upholding the light of heaven,

yet whose poems, ten years refused, are shaming

these white hairs held by the petalled pin.



二月黄鹂飞上林, 春城紫禁晓阴阴。

长乐钟声花外尽, 龙池柳色雨中深。

阳和不散穷途恨, 霄汉长怀捧日心。

献赋十年犹未遇, 羞将白发对华簪。


inscribed in the temple of the wandering genie

han hong

i face, high over this enchanted lodge, the court of the five cities of heaven,

and i see a countryside blue and still, after the long rain.

the distant peaks and trees of qin merge into twilight,

and had palace washing-stones make their autumnal echoes.

thin pine-shadows brush the outdoor pulpit,

and grasses blow their fragrance into my little cave.

...who need be craving a world beyond this one?

here, among men, are the purple hills



仙台初见五城楼, 风物凄凄宿雨收。

山色遥连秦树晚, 砧声近报汉宫秋。

疏松影落空坛静, 细草香闲小洞幽。

何用别寻方外去? 人间亦自有丹丘。


to vice-prefects li and wang degraded and

transferred to xiazhong and changsha

gao shi

what are you thinking as we part from one another,

pulling in our horses for the stirrup-cups?

do these tear-streaks mean wu valley monkeys all weeping,

or wildgeese returning with news from heng mountain?....

on the river between green maples an autumn sail grows dim,

there are only a few old trees by the wall of the white god city....

but the year is bound to freshen us with a dew of heavenly favour --

take heart, we shall soon be together again!



嗟君此别意何如? 驻马衔杯问谪居。

巫峡啼猿数行泪, 衡阳归雁几封书。

青枫江上秋帆远, 白帝城边古木疏。

圣代即今多雨露, 暂时分手莫踌躇。

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