
发布时间:2017-05-16 14:30




During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), there was a high official in the State of Jin. He once saw a farmer working in the field and his wife bringing his lunch to him in a very respectful manner. He showed great interest in the matter. He took the farmer back to Jin with him, and said to the King of Jin, "Respect is a demonstration of virtue. If one is respectful, he must be virtuous. We should educate our people with virtue." But the King asked, "His father is guilty, is it wise to do so?" He replied, "Guan Zhong had been enemy to the Duke Huan of Qi, but the duke appointed Guan Zhong prime minister and finally accomplished his hegemony. Shun exiled Gun but promoted his son Yu. You just make use of his strong points." At last, Duke Wen took his advice and put the farmer in an important position.

Later, this idiom means a couple treats each other with respect like guests.


Xi Shi, a famous beauty, had a pain in her bosom(胸部) , so she had a frown on her face when she went out. An ugly girl who lived nearby saw her and thought she looked very beautiful. therefore when she went home, she also put her hands on her bosom and had a frown on her face.

When a rich man in the neighbourhood saw her, he shut his doors tightly and did not go out. When a poor man saw her, he took his wife and children and gave her a wide berth(保持安全距离) .

She only knew Xi Shi's frown looked beautiful but she did not know the reason for its beauty.


A man of the state of Zheng wanted to buy a pair of shoes. He measured his foot and put themeasurement on a chair. When he set out for the market he forgot to bring it along. It was after he had found the pair he wanted that this occurred to him.

I forgot the measurement, said he.

He went home to get it but when he returned the market had broken up and he did not get his shoes after all.

Why didn't you try on the shoes with your feet?

He was asked.

I 'd rather trust the measurement than trust myself.


In the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties(420-589) there was an expertarcher(弓箭手) named Zhangsun Sheng.

One day he went hunting together with a friend. Suddenly they saw two vultures(秃鹰)fighting for a piece of meat high in the air. His friend handed him two arrows, and said, "Can you shoot down both vultures?" Zhangsun Sheng effortlessly killed both vultures with only one arrow.

This idiom indicates achieving two things with one stroke.


In the Three Kingdoms Period, during a battle between Cao Cao and Liu Bei, the latter ordered his generals Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong to capture Cao Cao’s supplies. Cao Cao led a large force against Zhao Yun, who retreated as fas as the gates of his camp. There, he ordered that the banners be lowered and the war drums silenced, and that the camp gates be left wide open. Zhao Yun then stationed(安置,驻扎) his troops in ambush(埋伏) nearly. When Cao Cao arrived and saw the situation, he immediately suspected a trap and withdrew his forces.

This idiom is nowadays used to indicate metaphorically(隐喻地) halting an attack or ceasing all activities.
