
发布时间:2016-11-19 13:22


Thousands of protesters on Tuesday kicked off a "Millionaires March" to the homes of super riches in NYC's Upper East Side to demonstrate against economic injustice.

The march started close to 1 pm local time and protesters made its way up Park Avenue toward the apartment buildings of five wealthy New Yorkers: NewsCorp CEO Rupert Murdoch, industrialist David Koch, hedge fund manager John Paulson, real estate developer Howard Milstein and JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon.





文中的“Millionaires March”就是“百万富翁游行”,是“Occupy Wall Street”(占领华尔街)的一个活动,“protester”指“抗议者,示威者”,同样可以指“示威者”的还有一个单词“demonstrator”。他们的意图是要反对美国社会经济不平等(social and economic inequality), 财团贪婪(corporate greed),以及政商权钱交易(the influence of corporate money and lobbyists on government)。
