
发布时间:2017-06-01 13:22



1.On Saturday morning, we are going to visit my grandma. Clifford looks for his rubber mouse, Mr Squeaky, to take along. But he can't find it. Clifford doesn't want to go to grandma's without his mouse.

星期六早上,我们要去看望奶奶。Clifford 要带上他的橡皮鼠 Squeaky 先生,但他找不到了。不带上橡皮鼠,Clifford 就不想去奶奶家。

2.I tell him we will go back to all the places we went last week to look for Mr Squeaky. First, we go back to the playground. Clifford looks in the sandbox. He looks for it in the magic castle. No Mr Squeaky.

我跟他说我们会到上周去过的所有地方寻找 Squeaky 先生。首先,我们回到操场,Clifford 往沙坑里瞧瞧,又在魔幻城堡里找找,都没有找到Squeaky 先生。

3.Next we go to the farmer's market. Does Mr Squeaky hide in the cabbages? No.

接下来我们来到农贸市场。Squeaky 先生有没有藏在大白菜堆里呢?没有。

4.Then, Clifford looks through the oranges and onions. The onions make him cry. "Don't cry, Clifford," I say. "We'll find Mr Squeaky."

接着,Clifford 在橘子堆和洋葱堆里找。洋葱把他弄“哭”了。“别哭,Clifford,”我说。“我们会找到 Squeaky 先生的。”

5.Fun land is the next place we go. Is Mr Squeaky in the roller coaster? No.

游乐场是我们去的下一个地方。Squeaky 先生在过山车里吗?没有。

6.Clifford looks in the duck pond game. No mouse there, but we get a nice prize.

Clifford 在钓鸭子游戏池里找,也没有橡皮鼠,但是我们得到一个漂亮的奖品。


1. "Clifford, I have to go out now. Will you help me take care of Wally?" says Emily. Clifford wags his tail.


2. Cleo and T-bone come to visit. "Wally is so lovely. Can we take him out and play with him?" says Cleo. "OK!" says Clifford.


3. Clifford opens the cage, and Wally runs away. Clifford and his friends run after him. T-Bone is stuck in a log.


4. Where is Wally? The three dogs run here and there, but still can't find Wally. "There he is!" says Clifford. "Gosh, he's fast!" says Cleo.


5. "Where is he going?" asks T-Bone. "I don't know. But I know where I would go if I were a rabbit." says Clifford. They run to the vegetable farm. And there is Wally!


6. "He'll never want to go home. And I'm too tired to catch him," says Cleo.


7. "We can't catch Wally. But we can catch a carrot." says Clifford.


8. Wally runs after Clifford all the way home. Wally wants to eat the carrot, so he goes back to his cage.



cage carrots bunny play

Wally is a______. Cleo wants to_____with him. When Clifford opens the______, he runs away. Wally likes eating_______.


Some people insist that only today and tomorrow matter. But how much poorer we would be if we really lived by that rule! So much of what we do today is frivolous and futile and soon forgotten. So much of what we hope to do tomorrow never happens.

The past is the bank in which we store our most valuable possession: the memories that give meaning and depth to our lives. Those who truly treasure the past will not bemoan the passing of the good old days, because days enshrined in memory are never lost. Death itself is powerless to still a remembered voice or erase a remembered smile. And for one boy who is now a man, there is a pond which neither time nor tide can change, where he can still spend a quiet hour in the sun.


一些人坚持认为只有今日与明日最重要。可要按这条规则来生活的话,我们将会变得更加可怜。今天我们所做之事有多少是琐碎无功的,很快就被人遗忘.又有多少我们明天要为之事将会成为泡影。 过去是一所银行。我们将最可贵的财富——记忆珍藏其中,这些记忆赋予我们生命的意义和厚度。真正珍惜过去之人不会为美好时光逝去而哀叹。那些珍藏于记忆的时光是永远不会消失的。死亡本身也无法止住记忆中的声音,或擦除记忆中的微笑。对于已经长大成人的小男孩来说,那儿将会有一个池塘。它不会因时间和潮汐而改变,可以让他大继续在阳光下享受静谧的时光。






