
发布时间:2017-03-19 14:25



书 名 新编计算机英语教程

丛 书 名 21世纪高等学校计算机规划教材——高校系列

标准书号 ISBN 978-7-115-22983-0

编目分类 H31

作 者 李心广 柯晓华 姚敏锋 王敏 编著

译 者 --

责任编辑 刘博

开 本 16 开

印 张 19.25

字 数 465 千字

页 数 296 页

装 帧 平装

版 次 第1版第1次

初版时间 2010年8月

本 印 次 2010年8月

首 印 数 -- 册

定 价 34.00 元



本书是按照最新《大学英语教学大纲》对专业英语的要求,参考借鉴国际先进教学理念,尤其是美国计算机协会(Association for Computing Machinery,ACM)推荐的课程体系和内容,面向国际化信息技术人才培养的要求编写的教材。在满足计算机专业英语教学的同时,本书通过信息技术外包(ITO)的原理和案例介绍的选材内容,体现了计算机专业英语教学体系的改革新进展。



Chapter 1 Information Technology and IT Outsourcing Human Resources Pool 1

Introduction 1

Section A Information Technology 2

1. Information Systems 2

2. Hardware 4

Types of Computers 4

Hardware of Microcomputers 6

3. Software 8

4. The Internet and Its Applications 8

5. Notes 9

6. Exercises 10

Section B ITO Human Resources Pool 10

1. Terms About ITO 11

2.China's IT Outsourcing Industry 12

International Conference of Outsourcing 13

ITO Events in Various Areas of China 13

3. Key Drivers and Challenges 16

4. An Overview of Global ITO Market 17

5. Notes 18

6. Exercises 19

Section C Review & Reading 19

1. Review 19

2. Supplementary Reading 21

China's Software Outsourcing Industry in Comparison with India's 21

3. Computer Words and Expressions I 22

词汇I 22

Chapter 2 The System Unit 25

Introduction 25

Section A 26

1. The System Unit 26

2. Electronic Data and Instructions 28

Analog and Digital Signals 28

Representing Text 28

3. The System Board 30

4. Microprocessors 31

Control Units 32

Arithmetic-logic Units 32

Microprocessor Chips 32

Specialty Processors 33

5. Memory 34

6. System Clocks 35

7. Notes 35

8. Exercises 35

Section B 36

1. Expansion Slots and Cards 36

Graphics Cards 37

Sound Cards 37

Network Interface Cards 37

TV Tuner Cards 37

Plug and Play 37

PC Cards 38

2. Bus Lines 38

Bus Width 38

Expansion Buses 39

3. Ports 39

Standard Ports 40

Serial Ports 40

Parallel Ports 40

Universal Serial Bus (USB) Ports 40

FireWire Ports 40

Specialized Ports 41

Cables 41

4. Power Supply 42

Power Supply Units of Desktops 42

AC Adapters of Laptops 42

5. Notes 43

6. Exercises 43

Section C Review & Reading 44

1. Review 44

2. Supplementary Reading 45

I. Intel Pentium III Processor Serial Number 45

II. China's IT Outsourcing: A Two-Minute Guide to Finding Your Partner 46

3. Computer Words and Expressions II 48

词汇II 48

Chapter 3 Input and Output 50

Introduction 50

Section A Input and Input Devices 51

1. What Are Input and Output? 51

2. Input Devices 52

Keyboards 52

Pointing Devices 54

Scanning Devices 56

Audio-input Devices 59

3. Notes 60

4. Exercises 62

Section B Output Devices and Combination Devices 63

1. Output Devices 63

Monitors 64

Printers 67

Audio-output Devices 69

2. Combination Input and Output devices 71

Touch Screens 71

Fax Machines 72

Multifunctional Devices (MFD) 74

Internet Telephones 74

3. Notes 76

4. Exercises 78

Section C Review & Reading 78

1. Review 78

2. Supplementary Reading 81

Brain-computer Interface 81

3. Grammar 83

Chapter 4 Storage 84

Introduction 84

Section A Primary Storage 85

1. What Is Primary Storage? 85

2. Primary Storage Devices 85

RAM 85

ROM 89


CMOS battery 91

Processor Registers 91

Processor Caches 91

3. Notes 92

4. Exercises 93

Section B Secondary Storage 94

1. What Is Secondary Storage? 94

2. Secondary Storage Devices 95

Hard Disk Drives 95

Floppy Disks 97

Optical Discs 97

Flash Memory 101

Other Storage Devices 102

3. Notes 104

4. Exercises 106

Section C Review & Reading 107

1. Review 107

2. Supplementary Reading 109

I.Storage Systems 109

II.Connected Learning 111

III. Reading Exercises 112

3. Grammar 112

Chapter 5 Operating Systems 114

Introduction 114

Section A Operating Systems 114

1. The History of Operating Systems 115

Terms About OS 116

Interactive Processing and Real-time Processing 117

Time-sharing 118

OS in Nowadays 119

2. Operating System Architecture 120

A Software Survey 120

Components of an Operating System 122

Getting It Started 126

3. Notes 127

4. Exercises 128

Section B System Security 130

1. Attacks from the Outside 130

2. Attacks from Within 132

3. Notes 134

4. Exercises 135

Section C Review & Reading 136

1. Review 136

2. Supplementary Reading 137

I. Linux 137

II. BPO-Business Process Outsourcing 137

3. Grammar 141

Chapter 6 Application Software-Databases & Multimedia 143

Introduction 143

Section A Databases 144

1. About Databases and DBMS 144

2. Features 145

3. Database Models 147

4. Applications of Databases 148

5. Database Design 149

6. Database Development Platforms 150

7. Notes 151

8. Exercises 152

Section B Multimedia 154

1. Introduction 154

2. The Elements of Multimedia 155

Text 155

Still Images and Graphics 156

Animation and Video 157

Audio 159

3. Interactive Multimedia Applications 160

4. Multimedia Development Software 161

5. Notes 162

6. Exercises 163

Section C Review & Reading 165

1. Review 165

2. Supplementary Reading 167

I. User Interaction with a Database Program 167

II. Motion Capture Software: Cortex 169

3. Animation Production Videos: Live-to-Air Broadcast 170

4. Grammar 171

Chapter 7 Communication and the Internet 173

Introduction 173

Section A The Internet 174

1. What Is the Internet 174

2. Web Basics 175

3. Accessing the Internet 177

4. Network-related Jobs 178

5. Notes 179

6. Exercises 180

Section B Internet Applications 181

1. Communication 181

2. Web Search Engines 184

3. Electronic Commerce 185

4. File Transfer 187

5. Netiquette 187

6. Security 189

7. Notes 192

8. Exercises 194

Section C Review & Reading 195

1.Review 195

2. Supplementary Reading 196

I. Firewall 196

II. Wireless Security 197

3. Reading and Writing 198

4. Grammar 200

Chapter 8 Computer Networks 202

Introduction 202

Section A Network Software 203

1. Exemplary Networks 203

2.Protocol Hierarchies 206

3. Types of Networks 208

4. Notes 210

5. Exercises 211

Section B Network Hardware 212

1. Introduction 212

2. Physical Communication Channels 212

3. Basic Hardware Components 214

4. Notes 217

5. Exercises 218

Section C Review & Reading 220

1. Review 220

2. Supplementary Reading 221

Father of Fiber-Optics Wins Nobel Prize 221

3. Grammar 223

Chapter 9 Data Structures 225

Introduction 225

Section A Data Structures 225

1. Data Structure Fundamentals 225

Basic Data Structures 226

Abstraction 228

Pointers 229

2. Implementing Data Structures 230

Storing Arrays 230

Homogeneous Arrays 230

Heterogeneous Arrays 233

Storing Lists 234

Storing Stacks and Queues 236

Storing Binary Trees 237

Manipulating Data Structures 239

3. Notes 241

4. Exercises 241

Section B Customized Data Types 243

1. Customized Data Types 243

User-Defined Data Types 243

Abstract Data Types 245

2. Classes and Objects 247

3. Notes 249

4. Exercises 250

Section C Review & Reading 250

1.Review 250

2. Supplementary Reading 251

I. A Problem with Pointers 251

II. "Apparel Industry Amid Global Meltdown—Outsourcing Intelligence Report" 252

3. Translation Issues in IT Fields I 253

Chapter 10 Programming and Programming Languages 255

Introduction 255

Section A Programming 256

1. Programming Paradigms 256

The Imperative Paradigm 256

The Declarative Paradigm 257

2.Functional Programming 258

3.Object-oriented Programming 259

Classes 260

Objects 260

Instances 260

Methods 261

Message Passing 261

Inheritance 261

Abstraction 262

Encapsulation 262

Polymorphism 263

4. Algorithms 264

5. Instruction Sets 265

6. Notes 265

7.Exercises 267

Section B Programming Languages 267

1. About Programming Languages 267

2. Low-level Programming Languages 268

The Machine Language 269

The Assembly Language 269

3. High-level Programming Languages 271

C Programming Language 271

4. Compiled Languages and Interpreted Languages 272

Compilers 272

Interpreters 272

Compiled Languages 273

Interpreted Languages 273

5. Markup Languages and Scripting Languages 274

6. Notes 275

7.Exercises 276

Section C Review & Reading 276

1.Supplementary Reading 276

I.Object-oriented Programming 276

II. China's Software and Service Outsourcing Industry Presents New Features 277

2. Translation Issues in IT Fields II 282

Appendix An Overview of Outsourcing 284

1. Brief History of Outsourcing 284

Initial Stages of Evolution 284

Strategic Partnerships 285

2. What is Outsourcing? 285

Why Do Companies Outsource? 286

How to Decide Whether to Outsource? 286

ITO, BPO, KPO-What's the Difference? 287

What about Bundling? 287

What Is an SLA? 288

What Do I Need to Know About the Transition Period? 288

Main Factors Influencing Successful Outsourcing 289

How Important Is Ongoing Relationship Management to Outsourcing Success? 289

3. Outsourcing Process 290

Program Initiation 290

Service Implementation 290

Final Agreement 290

Program Closure 291

4. How Is Outsourcing Priced? 291

What are the "Hidden Costs" of Outsourcing? 292

5. Why Is Outsourcing So Hard? 292

How Do I Decide What Vendor or Vendors to Work with? 293

Do You Have Any Tips for Negotiations? 294

Where's the Best Place in the World to Outsource IT? 294

What if Outsourcing Doesn't Work Out? Can I Just Bring the Work Back In? 295

Bibliography 296
