pep版六年级上册英语Unit 2期末测试试题

发布时间:2017-06-17 17:58

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2017年pep版六年级上册英语Unit 2期末测试试题


1. plane train bicyle 2. sunny windy cloudy 3. Monday Thursday Sunday

4. milk egg rice 5. USA UK Scotland 6 ferry sled taxi


( )1.A.I come on foot B.I am from Japan C. I am fine.

( ) 2.A. You are welcome B. That’s OK C. Don’t mind

( )3.A. Yes. I am B. No. I am C. Yes, it is

( )4.A.Yes, we do B. No , he is not C Yes, I can

( )5.A. OK B Thanks C. No way


1. How do you go to the________? I go by taxi

2.I must pay attention to the______ lights.

3. ______ down and stop at a yellow light.

4.The park is ______ there.

5. I often go by ________.


( )1、A、ruler B、worker C、water D、her ( )2、A、seat B、teacher C、tea D、heavy

( )3、A、plane B、have C、bag D、happy ( )4、A、thin B、sit C、like D、with

( )5、A、fat B、cat C、cap D、name ( )6、A、under B、ruler C、blue D、rule

( )7、A、game B、same C、name D、green ( )8、A、seat B、meet C、head D、clean


A.Seldom B. never C. Usually D. sometimes E often F. Always



1. How do you ________school ?

A, come B.come to C. go D. comes

2. That’s good_________

A. exercise. B.a exercise C.the exercise D.excercises.

3. Follow_____, please

A. I B. they C. she D him.

4.What’s this? ________a helmet. A. This is B. That is C. It’s D Its

5. These books_____________those.

A. is different from B. are different to C is different to D. are different from

6.How_____Amy _____home?

A. do go B does go C. does go to D. do go

7.You must drive_________ A. slow B slowly C.careful.

8. How can I ______there? How do you_______home?

A get to go B get go to C. get go D. gets going

9.The bus is__________

A come to B come here C.coming D comes

10. Wait! _______at the red light. A. Go B. don’t C. Do not D going


1. I come to school on foot. (对划线部分提问 )


2 He comes to school early today.(改为否定句)


3.Go at a green light. (改为否定句)


4.The double-decker(双层巴士) is over there.(对划线部分提问)


5. Today is Saturday.(对划线部分提问)



1.It’s so good to see you. 2.We must look right before crossing the road.

______________________________________ _______________________________________

3.Let’s take a bus home 4. Some children go to school by ferry.

.______________________________________ _________________________________________

5.You must wear a life jacket 6.Take the No.7 bus over there

._________________________________________ ._________________________________________


1. They comes from my cousin in the USA. ( )_____________


2.Stop and wait at a green light. ( )_______________________


3 We must to slow down and stop at a yellow light. ( )___________


4.How many ways to go school can you find in the text?( )__________


5 He can speaks English well. ( )___________________________


十 阅读理解判断正误 T 或F(10)

Mr Smiths: Excuse me. Where is the museum?

Sarah: You can take the No 120bus there.

Mr Smiths: Where is the bus stop?

Sarah:First you go to the libray. The bus stop is in front of the library.

Mr Smiths: Is it far?

Sarah:No, it is not far. Walk straight for five minutes. It’s on the right.

Mr Smiths: Um, Where can I get off?

Sarah: You can get off at the post office. Go straight for two minutes, the you can see the museum. It’s on your left.

Mr Smiths: Thanks a lot.

Sarah: You are welcome.

( )1.He wants to go the cinema

( ) 2.He knows how to go to the post office

( )3.The library is in front of the bus stop.

( )4.He can see the museum on the right when he gets off the bus

( )5.She can get off at the post office.

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