
发布时间:2017-05-07 14:53



i am honored extremely stand in here for everybody lecture! we all knew that, now the world all is suffering the financial crisis, and many factories all already went out of business the bankruptcy, this also meant could have many people to face is coming off sentry duty. perhaps in school we regarding this realized is not very big, however we soon face the graduation, also meant must look for the work. already some people commented: the next several year university graduate, the graduation also on meant unemployment! although i not like this believed, but i still felt we should have one kind of crisis feeling, by faces the worst possible occurrence. therefore, also cannot again continue to waste in the university period time, that already was may not obtain extremely! therefore i hoped schoolmates, all can learn own diligently special course, in order to might find from now on most suits own work. 我很荣幸极为站在这里为大家演讲! 我们都知道,现在世界上所有正在遭受金融危机,许多工厂都已经倒闭了破产,这也意味着可能有许多人面对即将关闭站岗。 也许在学校,我们对这个认识是不是很大,但是我们很快面临毕业,也意味着必须寻找工作。 已经有些人评论说:在未来数年大学毕业,毕业也意味着失业!虽然我不喜欢这样认为,但我仍觉得我们应该有一种危机感,所面临的最严重的可能发生。 因此,也不能再继续浪费在大学期间的时间,这已经是可能无法获得极为!因此,我希望同学,大家都可以了解自己的勤奋特殊当然,为了可能会发现从现在起,最适合自己的工作。


EVEN by the standards of the worst financial crisis for at least a generation, the events of Sunday Spetember14th and the day before were extraordinary. The weekend began with hopes that a deal could be struck, with or without government backing, to save Lehman Brothers, America's fourth-largest investment bank. It ended with Lehman's set for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and the bank preparing to wind itself up after those efforts failed. Other vulnerable financial giants scrambled to sell themselves or raise enough capital to stave off a similar fate. Merrill Lynch, the third-biggest investment bank, sold itself to Bank of America (BofA), an erstwhile Lehman suitor, in a $50 billion all-stock deal. American International Group (AIG) brought forward a potentially life-saving overhaul and went cap-in-hand to the Federal Reserve. 即使以至少一代人所经历的最坏的金融危机的标准来看,上周六及周日(9月14日)的事件仍是非同寻常的。那个周末开始于拯救美国第四大投行雷曼兄弟的交易有望达成,无论有或者没有政府的支持。然而却以雷曼兄弟的所有努力均告失败后,根据美国破产法案第11章申请破产保护而告终。其它脆弱的金融巨头同样努力地将自己卖出或是筹集足够的资金以避免与雷曼相同的命运。第三大投行美林以500亿美元全额换股交易将自己卖给了以前雷曼的收购者–美国银行。美国国际集团(AIG)正在提出一个潜在的挽救重整方案,并且毕恭毕敬地照美联储脸色行事。

On Sunday night the situation was still fluid, with bankers and regulators working to limit the fallout. They were girding themselves for a dreadful Monday in the markets. Australia's stockmarket opened sharply lower on Monday (most other Asian bourses were closed). American stock futures were deep in the red too, and the dollar weaker. Spreads on risky credit, already elevated, widened further.


The threat of impending financial disaster concentrates political minds wonderfully. On Thursday a group of Congressional leaders heard Hank Paulson, the Treasury secretary, and Ben Bernanke, the Federal Reserve chairman, paint a dire economic scenario if they did not approve a more sweeping remedy for the financial crisis. Student and car loans, not just mortgages, would all be harder to get. The economy would sink into a severe recession.


For this reason, ad hoc responses will still be critical, such last week's federal guarantees for money-market funds, Fed loans to banks to purchase asset-backed commercial paper and, on Sunday, approval of the remaining two big independent investment banks, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs, to become Fed-regulated bank holding companies whose investment bank units can now borrow from the Fed on the same terms as other banks.


It could be some time before the Treasury is able to purchase mortgages en masse, and longer still before that starts to affect the broader financial system and economy. In the meantime, the crisis could claim other victims.



Financial Crisis

As we known,there was tremendous shake which impacted America finance,even the whole world,happening in 2008.The shake arose in America resulted in a financial crisis over the world.A number of companies were due to not hold the asset structure in the crisis,they had to declare bankruptcy.

Causes of Financial Crisis

From my viewpoint,the blame for causing the financial crisis is the responsibilities of capitalists and regulators.On the hand,capitalists are tempted profits and aspire high-income

excessively.Therefore,large of financial corporations enrich the capital about

investments.Besides,they ignore the degree of risk increasingly.Then,when finance shake

erupted,these companies could’t have sufficient capitals and strong power to hold the entire firms stable.Thus,the corporations began bankrupting helplessly in the condition.On the other hand,it is one of main resons for the uselessness of regulators.As a regulator,you should be conscientious to deal every financial part.However,regulators is shortage of serious attitude and no coping with financial problems in time.Finally,when regulators realized financial crisis arising,they had not been able to stabilize the economic circumstance.

Consequences of Financial Crisis

The financial condition faces the fierce impacts owing to great influence of the financial crisis.In the stock market,the Dow Jones stock market index and NASDAQ index have fallen 33.84 percents and 40.54 percents since the end of 2008.In addition,stock markets over the world are affected in varying degree,such as Chinese stock market,European stock market,Hong Kong stock market and so on.In the finance,a great deal of firms invest various risk investment and decrease floating capital.Their leverages start losing the balance,hence they is weak and useless for facing the effect of financial crisis.Their endings are none but bankruptcies.For example,Lehman Brother and Washington Mutual both declare bankruptcies.In the international trade,Chinese has the most substantial effects in the financial crisis.In China,many oversea trading companies having no profits or bankrupting are due to the decrease of exports which Europe and the United States need.Up to now,lots of Chinese companies on the coasts don’t still walk away from the effect of financial crisis.

Inside Job

This part is a shadow where there are briberies between companies and regulators.Most of all investors consulted the quality rating before they want to invest.So,it is a key for financing whether the firm owns the level of AA,even AAA.It results that many corporations achieve the high degree from regulators by bribery.As some regulators are greedy,there are so much the fake level of double A and treble A.It is a said that inside job is the most important reason about bringing the financial crisis.


Form my perspective,the government should enhance supervision and control the assessment of quality rating strictly.Only the economic environment is transparent and stable,the development of economic is healthy and moderate.


Financial Crisis

Financial crisis, also known as financial tsunami, refers to the dramatic deterioration of the financial indicators of a certain country or several countries and regions in the world. It can be classified as currency crisis, debt crisis, banking crisis, sub-loan crisis, etc. The feature of the crisis is that people are pessimistic about the economic future because of monetary depreciation occurring throughout the region. The causes for the crisis are complicated with multiple reasons, mainly from three aspects, i.e., the U.S. consumption habits of borrowing, the idea of free economic management, and the economic environment and specific policy instruments.


The recent upheaval in the financial sector has some people in a panic, most people bewildered, and others busy aiming their pointer fingers at whomever they think is guilty of doing something that contributed to this problem. The presidential candidates are in the latter category. They aren’t quite sure what to do or what to say, but that doesn’t stop them from saying something, anyway.

John McCain made a decisive statement, attempting to show leadership, but his statement was not a very

smart one. Barack Obama, by contrast, simply blamed Republicans.

Few things are as simple as politicians make them seem in an election year. Political candidates succeed by issuing pointed statements that are easy to understand and that connect with voters; truth and accuracy are not the primary concerns.

The important thing right now is to figure out what

actually happened in the financial sector, and fix things so it can’t happen again. We must ignore the

tremendous amount of speculation about what “might” happen, and the doom and gloom soothsayers who tell us that the sky is falling or that the end of the world draweth nye.

Because of its complexity the current financial situation invites simple political messages that connect with voters; it does not lend itself to full explanations that illuminate.

So, when Sen. Obama says that “it’s the

Republicans’ fault,” he is expressing a simple idea that a lot of people buy into, but doesn’t explain anything. It is a silly oversimplification unworthy of a man who would be President. It appeals to emotional prejudices and ignores inconvenient realities, and most important of all, it is just plain wrong.

When Sen. McCain suggested that Securities and

Exchange Commission head Christopher Cox didn’t do his job, and if he were president he would fire Mr. Cox, the Senator didn’t offer specifics. We’ll know more

about Mr. Cox’s role as time passes and we learn more

of the details, and can then judge if Mr. McCain’s simple message to voters about firing Chris Cox was a proper evaluation of the situation.

Sen. Obama described the current agony as "the most serious financial crisis since the Great

Depression,” ignoring all the recessions since then, even the ones in the 80s and the one following the 9-11 attacks, both arguably more serious crises. Of course, it remains to be seen just how serious this problem will ultimately be, but given Mr. Obama’s

abysmal understanding of things economic, we would do well to take his prognostications with a grain of salt.

The root of this problem is the housing market’s

subprime loan crisis. A subprime loan is a loan made to someone who under normal circumstances would not qualify for a loan, based upon their income and their ability to make payments. That beg the question: Why would a bank make a loan to someone it believes is unable to make the payments?

The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) was given life during the Carter administration, and empowers four federal financial supervisory agencies to oversee the performance of financial institutions in meeting the credit needs of their entire community, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. Whenever an institution wants to make virtually any change in its business operation, such as merging or opening up a new branch, or getting into a new line of business, it must first prove to regulators at it has made ample loans to the government's preferred borrowers, those in low- and middle-income neighborhoods who normally would not qualify for a loan. Lenders with low ratings can be fined by the government.

The Carter administration used tax dollars to fund numerous "community groups" that helped the government enforce the CRA by filing petitions

against banks whose “cooperativeness” didn’t measure up, and sometimes stopping their efforts to expand their operations. Banks responded by giving money to

the community groups and by making more loans. One of those organizations was the Association of

Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). An active associate of ACORN in the 90s was a young public-interest attorney named Barack Obama.

So, starting in 1977 the federal government began “encouraging”—perhaps “strong-arming” is a more accurate term—banks to make loans to people to whom they normally would not make a loan, and in 1995 the Clinton administration pushed through

revisions to the CRA that substantially increased the number and amount of these loans.

All of the bad loans weren’t caused by the CRA, of

course, but billions of dollars in CRA loans did go bad, as should have been expected. When Fannie Mae and

Freddie Mac came along and made it possible for banks to escape the risk associated with these ill-advised loans, conditions were just right for a large portion of the banking industry, even institutions that did not fall under the CRA, to become involved in making loans to

unqualified borrowers, and banks participated in big numbers.

The federal government’s fingerprints are all over this crisis, and the Democrats who are today so righteously indignant and blaming the administration are at least as guilty as the Republicans.
