
发布时间:2017-06-01 09:08



1. 现在从事这个修法,关键是你和金刚亥母是一体,所以就想金刚亥母是坐姿就可以了。

Right now for this practice the key is that you are one with Vajra Yogini, so it is fine just think of Vajra Yogini in the sitting posture.

2. 杀手6:不进则退的学习压力不管从事任何行业,只有每天持续不断地进修,才能保持自己不被追上,而白领在这方面的感受和压力特别明显。

Too narrow or small skull.Foxy appearance.Presence of an apparent stop.Missing pigmentation on nose, eye rims, or lips.Eyelids round, triangular, loose or small.Overshot, undershot, wry mouth.

3. 假设他原来打算用一部分收入养一群猎狗,或雇一些仆人,而现在改变了主意,把这部分收入用于从事生产活动,用于向增加的工人支付工资。

Suppose that with a portion of the proceeds he intended to maintain a pack of hounds,or an establishment of servants; and that he changes his intention,and employs it in his business,paying it in wages to additional workpeople.

4. 假设他原来打算用一部分收入养一群猎狗,或雇一些仆人,而现在改变了主意,把这部分收入用于从事生产活动,用于向增加的工人支付工资。

Suppose that with a portion of the proceeds he intended to maintain a pack of hounds, or an establishment of servants; and that he changes his intention, and employs it in his business, paying it in wages to additional workpeople.

5. 如今我们正以全力从事世界性斗争。

Today we are committed to a worldwide struggle.

6. adj. 两手雪白的(不从事劳动的, 清白的)


7. 他从事木雕行业20余年,刀法娴熟、技艺精湛,人称“绳木雕”。

He has been engaged in the woodcarving industry for more than 20 years.With his skillful carving techniques, he has earned the name of "Woodcarver Sheng.

8. WECO公司创建于1921年,是一家专业从事电子连接器,电子模块,接线端子生产的德国企业。

Found in 1921, WECO is a pioneer specialized in connectors, electronic modules and terminal blocks.

9. 湖南西澳矿业有限公司是中外合作公司,主要从事金矿资源勘探以及采矿、选矿事宜。

Hunan Westralian Mining Co., Ltd is a Sino-Australia company which specializes in gold prospecting, mining and processing.

10. 下西洋从事探险

Sail westwards on voyages of exploration

11. 三个砌墙工人从事相同的工作,最终结果却迥然不同。

Three Waller undertake the same work, but the net result is quite different.

12. 我们之间的关系是早已经定好了的,那就是:我无论做什么,都无法做得比打水球好,所以,我的责任是尽可能长久地从事这项运动,而且尽我最大的能力做好。”

"Our relationship is that of predetermination I'll never be better at anything than waterpolo and that is why it is my duty to pursue this sport as long as I can, and to the best of my abilities.

13. 兰德尔教授是著名的火山学家,他从事这门学科的热情远远超过普通的科学调查。

Professor randall, an illustrious volcanologist, pursued his discipline with a passion that went well beyond ordinary scientific enquiry.

14. 兰德尔教授是闻名的火山学家,他从事这门学科的热情远远超过普通的科学调查。

Professor randall, an illustrious volcanologist, pursued his discipline with a passion that went well beyond ordinary scientific enquiry.

15. 我在一个社区中心从事志愿服务工作。

I am doing volunteer work for a community center.


1. It is nearly always women who are the primary care givers.


2. Anita Loos was in many respects untypical of the screenwriting trade.


3. Faculty members devote most of their time to scholarly research.


4. By his own admission, he evaded taxes as a Florida real-estate speculator.


5. I have been a shooter for 16 years and enjoy my sport.


6. He did not particularly want to take up a competitive sport.


7. Madge did not want to put her daughter on the stage.


8. The proportion of women in the profession had risen to 17.3%.


9. This licence would not allow him to trade as a plc.


10. Industry leaders want scientists to engage in fundamental research, not applied research.


11. The government's indictment against the three men alleged unlawful trading.


12. Mr Pok has now gone into the tourism business.


13. Graduate status is the minimum requirement for entry to the teaching profession.


14. In recent years, doctors have been trained specifically for general practice.


15. I wouldn't entertain the idea of such an unsociable job.



1. 当兽医从事兽医医学的实践

To engage in the practice of veterinary medicine.

2. 他终日从事各种研究计划。

He occupied himself with various research projects.

3. 作诗或者从事于作诗

To versify or engage in versifying.

4. 公司主要从事对俄贸易,年销售额5000万RBM。乌洛托品、双酚A、三氯乙烯、PVC糊树脂、苯骈三氮唑等品种是公司主营。

Russian companies mainly engaged in trade, annual sales of 50 million RBM. Urotropine, bisphenol A, trichloroethylene, PVC paste resin, Benzotriazole, and so is the company's main varieties.

5. 凡从事设计行业或您身边有朋友是设计师的朋友,您都可以参与进来,可以自拍、被拍、或只是去拍摄。

We named it ‘Unprosperous &Unbroken’, because we see the excellent aspects of Chinese design, but still without catholicity.

6. 他们甚至从事稿子交谈对方你的。

They even engage in unscripted conversations with each other and you.

7. 这些机构是专门从事固定不准确或未经核实的资料,对财务报告。

These agencies specialize in fixing inaccurate or unverifiable information on financial reports.

8. 那些从事国际风格的建筑师想要打破传统建筑和简单的设有装饰的建筑物。

Architects who worked in the international style wanted to break with architectural tradition and design simple, unornamented buildings.

9. 捷迪讯(深圳)公司成立于2000年1月,注册资本1400万美元,为亚太区最大的光通讯产品生产基地,从事光纤通讯器件研发,生产和销售。

JDS Uniphase (Shenzhen) were established in January 2000,the register capital USD14 million , it is one of largest manufactures of fiber-optic components in the Asia-Pacific.

10. 首先要做的第一件事是彻底放开自己,用全新的目光去面对你现在从事的工作,就当是一个学习磨练的好机会。

First of all, totally unlash yourself, face your work with a brand-new sight, and regard it as a good chance for practice.

11. 他默默无闻地从事着耗时而得不到任何名利的观察工作。

He plies the slow, unhonored, and unpaid task of observation.

12. “在外面沉着地从事她的生意”(洛里尔·科尔温)

"went about her business outwardly unflapped" (Laurie Colwin)

13. 是一家集研发、生产、销售于一体的专业从事太阳能专用电缆线、太阳能电池板组件、太阳能电池层压件、太阳能电池滴胶件、太阳能灯具的企业。

We hold a vision of solar energy being the natural, cleanest, safest, unexhausted, and probably the ultimate energy for human-beings.

14. 国际劳工组织作风谨慎,未将从事一般家庭杂活的小孩视为童工,但从某些方面来看,这种方式不但高估、也低估了这个问题。

The ILO is careful not to count ordinary household chores as child labor;nonetheless, in different ways, its estimates both overcount and undercount the problem.

15. 国际劳工组织作风谨慎,未将从事一般家庭杂活的小孩视为童工,但从某些方面来看,这种方式不但高估、也低估了这个问题。

The ILO is careful not to count ordinary household chores as child labor; nonetheless, in different ways, its estimates both overcount and undercount the problem.
