
发布时间:2016-11-14 13:05




explode ;blast; blow up; bomb; blow back



The horse took a fright at the sound of the explosion.


The explosion was timed to be simultaneous with the plane's take-off.


The tower was blown to atoms by the force of the explosion.


After the explosion it was some time before the town resumed its everyday routines.


The explosion was heard a mile away.




Gunpowder is an explosive.


The welding parameters are very important in the explosive welding.


The bomber detonated an explosive vest at a tea shop near the market.


An explosive fired in an oil or gas well to begin or increase the flow。

1. A violent explosion seemed to jolt the whole ground. 剧烈的爆炸 好像要把整个地面都掀起来。

2. There were two bomb explosions in the city overnight. 一夜之间城里发生了两起炸弹爆炸 事件。

3. A bomb planted in a garbage can exploded early today. 今天早些时候,安放在垃圾箱里的一枚炸弹爆炸 了。

4. A helicopter crashed in a fiery explosion in Vallejo. 一架直升机在瓦列霍爆炸 起火并坠毁。

5. A few hours later bomb disposal experts defused the devices. 几小时以后拆弹专家拆除了该爆炸 装置的引信。

6. The device exploded, throwing Mr Taylor from his car. 那个装置爆炸 了,把泰勒先生从车里抛了出去。

7. A few minutes later the bomb went off, destroying the vehicle. 炸弹几分钟后爆炸 ,炸毁了那辆车。

8. The blast caused extensive damage, shattering the ground-floor windows. 爆炸 造成了巨大的破坏,震碎了一楼的窗户。

9. The house was unoccupied at the time of the explosion. 爆炸 发生的时候房子里没有人。

10. The test can accurately predict what a bigger explosion would do. 该试验能准确地预测一次更大爆炸 的威力。

11. Investigators say that a fuel explosion may have caused the crash. 调查员说燃料爆炸 有可能是失事的根源。

12. It's thought that the blast occurred when volatile chemicals exploded. 人们认为,易挥发的化学物质爆炸 时产生了冲击波。

13. We are working on the assumption that it was a gas explosion. 我们假设这是一场燃气爆炸 事故。

14. First a house took a direct hit and then the rocket exploded. 先是一幢房子被直接击中,然后火箭弹就爆炸 了。

15. The car was juddering and vibrating as if it would explode. 汽车剧烈地摇晃着、颤动着,就像要爆炸 似的。

16. The bomb must explode within less than a millionth of a second. 炸弹必须在不到百万分之一秒的时间内爆炸 。

17. A huge crater marks the spot where the explosion happened. 巨大的弹坑标明了爆炸 发生的地点。

18. The bombings were masterminded by a known drugs smuggler. 爆炸 是由一个臭名昭著的毒品走私分子操纵的。

19. The hijacked plane exploded in a ball of fire. 被劫持的飞机爆炸 ,变成了一团火球。

20. The powder immediately ignited and set off a chain reaction of explosions. 火药立即点燃,引发一连串爆炸 。
