
发布时间:2017-03-13 13:09



一、 找出与所给单词同类的一项。(5分)

( )1.four A. fine B. five C.too

( )2.pen A. pencil B.door C. desk

( )3. green A. good B.thank C. yellow

( )4. your A. is B. my C.are

( )5.dog A. cat B. how C. two

二、 找出不同类的单词。(5分)

( )1. A.look B. book C. pen

( )2. A.bag B. red C. pencil

( )3. A.here B.three C. five

( )4. A.boy B.birthday C. girl

( )5. A. black B. old C. Blue


( )1. this A 那个 B 这个 C 这些

( )2. old A .......岁的 B 老头 C 大的

( )3. yes A 是的 B 不是的 C 黑色的

( )4. present A 快乐的 B 铅笔 C 礼物

( )5. here A 怎样 B 那里 C 这里


happy cake pencil present pen


( )1. --- What's this? ----It's _______ pen.

A. an B. the C. a

( )2. Here ______ your book.

A. is B. are C. am

( )3. --- How are you? ----____________.

A. Thank you. B. I'm fine,thank you. C. And you?

( )4. I _______ nine.

A. are B. is C. am

( )5. --- __________up, please -----OK.

A. Stand. B. Sit . C.Six.

( )6. You ______ six.

A. is B.are C. am

( )7. ---- I'm eight, and you? (你呢)

---- I'm eight,______.

A. two B. eight C. too

( )8.----- How many pandas? ---__________

A. Pandas. B. One. C. I'm three.

( )9. ---_____________? --- It's a desk.

A. What's this? B. How are you? C. What's your name?

( )10. Here's your present. ----____________.

A. It's a pen. B.Thank you. C. What's this?


( )1 当今天是你的生日,别人向你表示祝贺,他应说:

A. Happy birthday. B. Here's your present.

( )2 当你想告诉别人“我也九岁”时,你应说:

A. I'm nine. B. I'm nine, too.

( )3 当你想问别人年龄时,你应说:

A. How old are you ? B. How are you?

( )4 当你向别人送礼物时。你应说:

A. Here's your present. B.Here you are.

( )5 当你想询问“这是什么?”时,你应说:

A. What's this ? B. What's that?

七、 从B栏中找出与A栏相应的答语。(10分)


( )1. Happy birthday. A. It's a cake.

( )2. What's this ? B.Six.

( )3. How are you? C. Thank you.

( )4. How old are you? D. I'm fine,thank you.

( )5. How many cats? E. I'm six.


( )A. Thank you,Daming.

( )B. Here's your present.

( )C. Hello, Sam. Happy birthday.

( )D. No,it isn't. It's a book.

( )E. Oh,Daming, what's this ? A pencil?


1.① old ② you ③ are ④ How ⑤ ?


2.① your ② Here's ③cake ④ .


3. ①birthday ② Sam ③ , ④ Happy ⑤ .


4.①this ② What ③ is ④ ?


5.①I'm ② thank ③ fine ④ you ⑤ , ⑥ .

