
发布时间:2017-03-20 14:08



A: On, darn. The grocery store is closed.

B: Yeah, this one closes at ten. We could drive to the 24-hour store on sixth.

A: Alright. We are out of everything.

B: I wish the store close to us was open 24-hous a day.

A: I know, our schedules are so weird. Sometimes, the little corner store is the only thing within walking distance that’s open when we get home.

B: Yeah, and the prices there are very high.

A: I know. Three dollars for milk.

A: 噢,该死。杂货店关门了。

B: 是呀,这家商店10点关门。我们可以开车到第6大街的24小时营业店去买。

A: 好吧,我们什么都没了。

B: 真希望我们附近的商店也是24小时营业。

A: 我知道,是我们的作息时间太离谱了。有时候,拐角处的小店面是我们回家可以步行去买东西而且还没打烊的唯一一家商店了。

B: 是的,那儿的价钱也很高。

A: 我知道,牛奶卖3美元。


A: Good afternoon, miss, can I help you?

B: Yes, I’d like to buy this dress, please.

A: It’s certainly a pretty dress. I can ring you up at the register over here.

B: Great.

A: Will you be paying by cash, check, or credit card?

B: I want to use a credit card. Do you take Discover?

A: Sorry, no. We only take MasterCard or Visa.

B: I’ll put it on my Visa card, then.

A: Very well, ma’am. Oh, there seems to be a problem, it says it’s rejected.

B: There must be something wrong with the system. Try my MasterCard.

A: Alright. Thank you. Yes, it seems to be working fine. Your total is $199.00, sign here, please.

B: Sure.

A: Here you go, and here’s your receipt. Have a nice day.

B: Thanks. You have a good one, too.

A: 下午好,小姐,可以为您效劳吗?

B: 好的,我想买这件衣服。

A: 这件非常漂亮。你可以在我这儿的收银机付款。

B: 太好了。

A: 您是付现金、支票还是信用卡。

B: 我想用信用卡。你们收Discover卡吗?

A: 抱歉,我们不收。只收Master 或Visa卡。

B: 那我就用我的Visa。

A: 好的,女士。噢,还有一个问题,此卡无效。

B: 肯定是系统除了问题。那试试我的Master卡吧。

A: 好的。谢谢你。好了,这次有用。总共199美元,请在这儿签名。

B: 好的。

A: 给您,还有这是你的收据。祝您愉快。

B: 谢谢。也祝您愉快。
