
发布时间:2016-11-19 12:33

名词解释:水钻是一种俗称(又名水晶钻石,莱茵石 英文名:crystal,rhinestone)其主要成分是水晶玻璃,是将人造水晶玻璃切割成钻石刻面得到的一种饰品辅件,这种材质因为较经济,同时视觉效果上又有钻石般的夺目感觉。因此很受人们的欢迎,水钻一般用于中档的饰品设计中。 水钻的分类:按颜色分可分为:白钻,色钻(如粉色、红色、蓝色等),彩钻(也叫AB钻)、彩AB钻(如红AB,蓝AB等)。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?

A loving wife decorated her husband's car license plate with shining rhinestones, but it drew more than admiration ― it also attracted a fine of 200 yuan ($32) from police for intentionally altering the plate in Wuhan, Hubei province, on Wednesday.

In a recent episode of popular television show Voice of China, a contestant received a microphone decorated with rhinestones from his fiancée, which inspired the license plate decorator, a report on Wuhan Evening News said.





文中的###rhinestone即“水钻”,也叫“莱茵石”,是一种透明无色的仿制钻石。“车牌”的英文是license plate,“被罚200元”可以说成receive a fine of 200 yuan,也可以说成be fined 200 yuan。fine可作名词,意思是“罚金”,也可以作动词,意为“罚款”。
