
发布时间:2017-03-08 09:58





The airplane was obviously in trouble. One engine was on fire, another was sputtering, and themachine was slowly, ineluctably losing height.


Finally the grim-looking captain entered the cabin.


"Ladies and gentlemen," he announced, "we've lost most of our power. The only way to keepthe plane aloft is to lighten our load. We've already dumped the baggage, but it's not enough.I'm asking for volunteers to make the supreme sacrifice so that others may live, "


After a few minutes of stunned silence, a Frenchman stood to quivering attention, shouted"Vive la France!" and threw himself out the door.


Shortly thereafter, an Englishman rose to his full height,coolly declared, "God Save the Queen!"and followed the gallant Frenchman.


Finally, a Texan rose from his seat, cried, "Remember the Alamo! " and threw out the Mexicansitting next to him.




A politician was out on the Indian reservation displaying his sympathy for the oppressedNative Americans. He addressed a gathering of the people.


The plight of your tribe has always been close to my heart," said the politician.


"Umgwalagwala , "responded the audience enthusiastically.


I shan' t rest until greater efforts are made on your behalf.


"Umgwalagwala," they responded more loudly.


"And I personally guarantee that you will all be accorded full and equal civil rights."


"Umgwalagwala," shouted the tribe.


The politician was pleased with his reception and asked for a tour of the reservation. Soon,he and his guide were standing next to a fenced enclosure.


"And what is this used for?" asked the orator.


"oh, this empty now, but before we keep bulls in here. "


"I see," said the visitor, and was planning to enter the enclosure.


"Hey,you better not go in there,You likely step in a lot of umgwalagwala."



Be kind to animals


The owner of the hamburger stand was rather surprised to see a man walk in with threeiguanas, but when the man ordered four hamburgers with fries, the owner complied with ashrug.


The man and his iguanas enjoyed their dinner and left.


The next day the man returned with two kangaroos and the same scene was repeated.


On the third day the man entered with two orangutans and a chimpanzee, and the ownercouldn't help making a remark.


"You certainly seem to be an animal lover," he said.


"That's true," said the man, "and I'd like you to know how much we appreciate your letting useat here. Some proprietors object. "


"That's quite alright," said the shopkeeper.


"As a token of my appreciation, I’d like to give you this lobster. " And the animal lover handedover a live, wriggling crustacean


"Well, that's very kind of you. My wife and I will have it for dinner. "


"Oh, he's already had dinner. But I am sure he'd love to take in a movie. "

