
发布时间:2017-03-15 05:01




和所有其它文章一样,这种文章也由三部分组成,即开头段、主题段、结论段。它的特点是往往以一个社会问题或社会现象开头,中间部分分析原因、列举影响或危害,最后提出解决问题的建议或者展望未来。即使规定的文章提纲没有这样要求,我们最好也要按照这种程序来展开文章。如1998.1月My View on Fake Commodities 按提纲第一段就写假冒伪劣商品的危害,这样显然不符合一般文章的思路,会不伦不类。如果在这之前增加一个引言段,即假冒伪劣商品在中国已经成为严重的社会问题,文章看起来就舒服得多。03.12月六级作文Reduce Waste on Campus没有要求分析原因,但我们完全可以增加对原因的简单分析。2003.1 It Pays to Be Honest在主体部分要求写诚实利人利己、怎样做到诚实,这种提纲显然也不合适。至少需要把“怎样做到诚实”放到最后一部分作为建议段。另外,由第一部分“有很多不诚实现象”马上转到“诚实利人利己”也嫌突兀,需要在这中间讨论不诚实的原因和危害,然后再用by comparison或类似联结词过渡到诚实的好处就会比较自然。


说明文以背景介绍法最为常见。背景介绍法就是从谈论话题的相关背景开始,从而给读者一种心理准备,很自然的导入对话题的讨论。这种方法一般以Nowadays, with the development of society, sth has become increasingly serious 等开头,常见用词还有:common, popular, prevalent, rampant 等。

还可以用数据法开头,即用具体的数据来引出要谈论的话题。这样的数据会让读者觉得很有说服力。但考试现场我们一般难以找到准确的相关数据,所以02.6月“大学生使用电脑”之类的文章就是让我们通过对图表中具体数据的描述来展开文章。很多同学总觉得图表作文难写。其实这类文章的开头高度模式化,常见语言由As can be revealed from the table 等。


Customers falling victims of false commercials; patients losing lives for the effect of shoddy medicines; students caught cheating in exams; scholars found plagiarizing in their writings published. All these are nothing new. What’s alarming is that these phenomena are on the rise these days.(description)(下面可列举原因)



Nowadays, it is known to all that China has become a place of rampant pirated products: pirated CDs, pirated VCDs, pirated DVDs, pirated books… They are available everywhere and we are so accustomed to the phenomenon that we won’t feel it strange to see pirated copies of the latest movies even before they are on shown in theatres.

The reasons for the phenomenon, which are obvious to all, can be listed as follows:

First of all, the price of the products that are pirated is too high that most people cannot afford it. Second, the price of the pirated products is much lower and, in some cases, the pirated product doesn’t necessarily mean low quality. Also playing a part is the local government. Some officials give top priority to economy. They will tolerate, or even encourage, anything so long it can bring them financial income.

But the pirated products really do much harm. First, they infringe intellectual property rights. Second, they offend against the rules of the market. As a result of piracy, companies investing in invention will inevitably run bankruptcy and our society will stop where it is. No advance. No progress.

In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures should be taken: for one thing, it is high time that people all over China realized the harm of piracy; for another, the government should issue strict laws and regulations in order to put the situation under control.
