
发布时间:2017-06-01 13:21



Reading is a pleasure of the mind, which means that it is a little like a sport: your eagerness and knowledge and quickness make you a good reader. Reading is fun, not because the writer is telling you something, but because it makes your mind work. Your own imagination works along with the author's or even goes beyond his. Your experience, compared with his, brings you to the same or different conclusions, and your ideas develop as you understand his.

Every book stands by itself, like a one-family house, but books in a library are like houses in a city. Although they are separate, together they all add up to something; they are connected with each other and with other cities. The same ideas, or related ones, turn up in different places; the human problems that repeat themselves in life repeat themselves in literature, but with different solutions according to different writings at different times.

Reading can only be fun if you expect it to be. If you concentrate on books somebody tells you "ought" to read, you probably won't have fun. But if you put down a book you don't like and try another till you find one that means something to you, and then relax with it, you will almost certainly have a good time--and if you become as a result of reading, better, wiser, kinder, or more gentle, you won't have suffered during the process.






Baekeland and Hartmann report that the “short sleepers” had been more or less average in their sleep needs until the men were in their teens. But at about age 15 or so, the men voluntarily began cutting down their nightly sleep time because of pressures from school, work, and other activities. These men tended to view their nightly periods of unconsciousness as bothersome interruptions in their daily routines.

In general, these “short sleeps” appeared ambitious, active, energetic, cheerful, conformist(不动摇) in their opinions, and very sure about their career choices. They often held several jobs at once, or workers full-or part-time while going to school. And many of them had a strong urge to appear “normal” or “acceptable” to their friends and associates.

When asked to recall their dreams, the “short sleepers” did poorly. More than this, they seemed to prefer not remembering. In similar fashion, their usual way of dealing with psychological problems was to deny that the problem existed, and then to keep busy in the hope that the trouble would go away.

The sleep patterns of the “short sleepers” were similar to, but less extreme than, sleep patterns shown by many mental patients categorized as manic(疯人). The “long sleepers” were quite different indeed. Baekeland and Hartmann report that these young men had been lengthy sleeps since childhood. They seemed to enjoy their sleep, protected it, and were quite concerned when they were occasionally deprived of their desired 9 hours of nightly bed rest. They tended to recall their dreams much better than did the “short sleepers.”

Many of the “long sleepers” were shy, anxious, introverted (内向), inhibited (压抑), passive, mildly depressed, and unsure of themselves (particularly in social situations). Several openly states that sleep was an escape from their daily problems.


贝克尔和哈特曼报道说,“睡眠少的人”在未进入少年期之前,其正常睡眠时间大致与所需要的时间差不多。但到了15岁左右,由于学校、工作或其它 活动的地压力,他们就故意地减少了夜间睡眠的时间。这些人持有这样的观点:夜间睡眠是一件令人讨厌的事情,打断了日常事务。

总的说来,这些“睡眠少的人”表现得雄心勃勃、积极活跃、精力充沛、无意识乐观豁达、立场坚定,对自己职业的选择胸有成竹。他们往往同时从事几 项工作,或者一边上学读书,一边从事专职或兼职工作。其中许多人有强烈愿望,想在朋友和熟人面前表现得“正常”或“合群”。

当让他们回忆梦境时,“睡眠少的人”回忆不起什么来。更有甚者,他们似乎情愿什么都记不住。类似的情况是他们通常处理心理问题的方式:不承认问 题的存在,希望只要忙忙碌碌,麻烦总会过去的。


“睡眠多的人”情形则大不相同。贝克尔和哈特曼报道说,这些年轻人从小的,有抱负的睡眠就一直很长。他们好像注重睡眠,不让睡眠受打搅。偶尔没 有所需的9个小时夜间卧床休息,他们便会十分不安。他们比“睡眠少的人”要更能回忆得起梦的内容。许多“睡眠多的人”腼腆、焦躁、内向、压抑、消极和稍微 有点儿沮丧,尤其在社交场合缺乏自信。好几个人坦言,睡眠是摆脱每天烦恼的一种方式。


The main impression growing out of twelve years on the faculty of a medical school is that the No.1 health problem in the U.S. today, even more than AIDS or cancer, is that Americans don’t know how to think about health and illness. Our reactions are formed on the terror level.

We fear the worst, expect the worst, thus invite the worst. The result is that we are becoming a nation of weaklings and hypochondriacs, a self-medicating society incapable of

distinguishing between casual, everyday symptoms and those that require professional attention.

Early in life, too, we become seized with the bizarre idea that we are constantly assaulted by invisible monsters called germs, and that we have to be on constant alert to protect ourselves against their fury. Equal emphasis, however, is not given to the presiding fact that our bodies are superbly equipped to deal with the little demons and the best way of forestalling an attack is to maintain a sensible life-style.


在医学院任教十二年来,我获得的主要印象是,当今美国头号健康问题——一个比艾滋病或癌症更为严重的问题——是美国人不知道如何去认识健康与疾病。我们的反应是惊恐万状。我们怕最坏的事,想着最坏的事,而恰恰就召来了最坏的事。结果 ,我们变成了一个孱弱不堪,总疑心自己有病的民族,一个分不清哪些是日常偶发症状,哪些是需要治疗的症状,而自己擅自用药的社会。







