
发布时间:2017-04-06 17:49




It’s nice to talk to you 和你通电话很高兴

Well,thank you for calling 谢谢你来电

It was nice of you to call 谢谢你打电话过来

I think I must be going now 我想我该走了

I have to go. 我得挂电话了。

I have to hang up now 我得挂电话了

I‘ve got to hang up. 我要挂电话了。

My other line is ringing. I must say goodbye now. 我的另一部电话响了。我得跟你说再见了。

Give me a call 给我打电话

Give me a call if you get a chace 有空,给我打电话

To call me/To telephone me/To phone me 打电话给我

Speak to you again 在联络

Take care. Good-bye 保重,再见


May I use your phone? 我可以借您的电话用一下吗?

Would you mind if I use your phone? 你不介意我用你的电话吧?

Can I use your cell phone? 我可以借用你的手机吗?

No,I’m waiting for a call right now 不行,我现在正在等电话呢

I‘ll only take a minute 我只打1分钟



My balance is not enough. 我的电话余额不足了。

The balance on my account is not sufficient for a call. 我账户上的余额不够打一个电话了。

I have to charge my account. 我得充值了。


Don’t text during class. 课堂上别发短信。

You text too often. 你短信发的太多了。

Who‘re you texting? 你在给谁发短信?

I’ll text you the address. 我会把地址发给你。

I‘ll text you the details. 我短信发给你详细信息。


How can I reach you? 我怎么和你联系?

You’re not returning my calls. 你不回我的电话。

Oh,here‘s my name card and this is my cell phone number 这是我的名片,这是我的手机号码

What kind of telephone do you use? 你用什么电话呢?

How do I get an outside line? 如何打外线?

I can use public phones at public places 我可以在公共场所用公用电话

Can I get a new phone line? 我可以申请一部电话吗?

May I have a phone card please? 我能买一张电话卡吗?

I want to make a long distance call 我想打个长途电话

Ted’s office has twelve telephone lines 泰德的办公室有12条电话线路

Do you own a cellular phone? 你有手机吗?

She‘s made calls out, none came in. 只有她打出去,没有打进来过。
