
发布时间:2017-03-17 09:52


语言[yǔ yán]


language ; borderism ; lang. ; parole ; talk

网 络language;Languages;English;tongue



At board meetings you have to get used to the formality of the language.


You can tell from his gross language that the man was uneducated.


It's an ancient tale which appears in various guises in several languages.


What languages can you speak?




Many languages have Latin as their base.


It's more useful to learn modern languages, such as English and German, than Latin.


The two forms of language production are speech production and writing.


Lexis is the fundamental pillar that supports the huge system of a language.


Pragmatic failure is a normal phenomenon of the practice of language output.

1. It presented in satirical terms points made in earnest by Catholic writers. 它用讽刺的语言呈现了天主教作家郑重其事表明的观点。

2. The Ukrainians speak a Slavonic language similar to Russian. 乌克兰人所说的那种斯拉夫语系的语言类似于俄语。

3. We have a very communicative approach to teaching languages. 我们在语言教学中非常强调交际教学法。

4. The language of Darwin was intelligible to experts and non-experts alike. 达尔文的语言无论对专家还是非专业人士而言都明白易懂。

5. His misunderstanding of language was the primary cause of his other problems. 他对语言的误解是引起其他问题的主要原因。

6. All cheques should be made out to "EF International Language Schools" 所有支票的收款人都应是“英孚国际语言学校”。

7. What I've tried very subtly to do is to reclaim language. 我费尽心机在做的就是改造、拯救语言。

8. The crew are of different nation-alities and have no common language. 船员来自不同国家,语言不通。

9. Language is something which fundamentally distinguishes humans from animals. 语言是将人类与动物区分开来的基本特征。

10. Intoxication interferes with memory and thinking, speech and coordination. 醉酒影响记忆、思考、语言与协调性。

11. There'sno need for that kind of language in this magazine. 这份杂志没必要出现那种语言。

12. I realized I had to surmount the language barrier. 我意识到我不得不克服语言障碍。

13. French remained her second language for the rest of her life. 在她的余生中,法语一直是她的第二语言。

14. You can't put that sort of fear into words. 那种恐惧无法用语言表达。

15. Roy told his sorrowful tale with simple words anybody could understand. 罗伊用简单的、人人都能理解的语言讲述了他那个伤感的故事。

16. The child'll start out by making relatively few distinctions in the language. 孩子开始时不太能辨别语言中的差别。

17. In time you'll appreciate the beauty and subtlety of this language. 总有一天你会体会到这门语言的优美和微妙之处。

18. As speech develops, the child starts to string more words together. 随着语言能力不断发展,孩子开始把更多的词连起来说。

19. The guide is being translated into several languages for publication near Christmas. 该手册正被译成数种语言,将在临近圣诞节时出版。

20. She's got a lovely way with language without ever sounding ostentatious. 她的语言优美,丝毫无装腔作势之感。
