
发布时间:2017-03-19 08:46





This is a country of sparse population.


Species that were once sparse started to carpet the plots.


The sparse vegetation will only feed a small population of animals.



Guests were crowded into the few remaining rooms.



The robbery occurred in broad daylight, in a crowded street.


He tried to squeeze himself onto the crowded bus.


He jumped on the crowded bus. 他跳上了拥挤的公共汽车。

We are all bunched together in the crowded elevator. 在拥挤的电梯里我们聚拢在一起。

In crowded places the police should not discharge their weapons. 在拥挤的地方警察不应击发武器。

The young pigs crowded against one another for warmth. 小猪挤在一起取暖。

The bus is too crowded,you can't jam any more passengers in. 公共汽车太挤了,你不能再装乘客了。

The streets of Manhattan are very crowded because so many people live andwork in there. 曼哈顿的街道非常拥挤,因为有非常多的人在这里生活和工作。

At some point in your relationship, your significant other thought you were thebest product in a crowded market. 在你们关系的某些时刻,你的另一半认为你是一个拥挤的市场中最好的产品。

Think about walking down a crowded street: You see a lot of faces, street signs,all kinds of stimuli. 想一想当你走在拥挤的街道上:你看到很多面孔,很多招牌,各种各样的信息刺激。

And then, walking down a crowded street, we heard behind us the sound ofpounding feet and somebody yelling at us. 当我们沿着一条拥挤的街道向前走的时候,我们听到后面有急促的脚步声和喊叫声。

What do you think of the city? It‘s very busy and crowded, I should say. 你觉得这个城市怎么样?我得说,这是个非常繁忙拥挤的城市。

If you have been to Beijing*, you've most likely come across this street scene: abunch of people crowded around a street vendor, picking out skewers from abubbling hot red broth. 如果你曾经去过北京,你在大街上很可能遇到过这样的景象:一群人拥挤在一个街头小贩周围,正从一个滚烫的红色肉汤里挑选着串肉扦。

But what he remembers most about that crowded hallway is the silence. 但是他对拥挤的走廊印象最深的是一片寂静。

The next train will be less crowded than this one. 下一班火车不会像这班火车这样拥挤。

But he finally explained the policy shift on the phone from a crowded bus at rushhour. 但是他最后在高峰时段拥挤的公共汽车上用手机解释了政策的改变。

The basic idea is a valuable one -- to get attention in a crowded marketplace, youmust stand out in some way. 基本思想是值得肯定的,在拥挤的商场上引起别人的注意,你必须在某些方面特异独行。

When surface temperatures rise to a comfortable threshold, they emerge. For a while they bask in the sunlight, crowded like bronzed tourists on the Costa del Sol. 当地面温度升到舒适的临界点时,它们就涌出来,像在太阳海岸晒成古铜色的游客一样挤在一起,在阳光下晒一会。

They will face a much less crowded field and their managers will have honedtheir moneymaking skills in the harshest of all environments. 它们将面临一个不那么拥挤的行业竞争,它们的经理们将在一切最严酷的环境下磨练他们的赚钱技巧。

“Think of it as being crowded out, ” he said. “这些元素就像是被挤了出来”他说。

"You see what a crowded city Beijing is," he said. "We younger people all come toseek work. “你知道北京是个多么拥挤的城市,”他说,“我们年轻人都来找工作了,但我们能抗得住。”

And there may simply not be enough space in our crowded cities. 又或许这只是因为我们拥挤的城市没有足够的空间。
