
发布时间:2017-03-02 09:31




my home

1、-------where are the keys?(钥匙在哪儿?)

--------They’re on the fridge. (它们在冰箱上。)

2、--------Open the door, please. (请打开门。)

----------OK. (好的。)



4、它们在电话旁吗?) ---------No, (不,它们不在。)



dinner’s ready

1、---What would you like?(你想吃什么?)

----I’d like some vegetables , please.(我想吃蔬菜)

2、--What would you like for dinner?(晚餐你想吃什么?) ----Some fish and vegetables, please.(鱼和蔬菜)

3、---Dinner’s ready! (晚餐准备好了)

-----Thanks! (谢谢)

4、----Would you like some soup?(你想要汤吗?) ------Yes, please!(好的。)

5、----Would you like a knife and fork? (你想要刀叉吗?) -----No, thanks. I can use chopsticks.(不,谢谢,我会用筷子。)

meet my family!

1、-----How many people are there in my family, Chen Jin? (你家有几口人,陈杰?)

-----Three. (三口人。)

2、-----Is this your uncle? (这是你叔叔吗?) ----Yes,it is. He’s a football player.


3、-----What’s your aunt’s job? (你婶婶做什么工作?) -----She’s a nurse. (她是位护士。)

4、-----What’s your father’s job?(你爸爸是干什么工作的?) -----My father is a doctor. (我爸爸是个医生。)


My bedroom

1. –What’s in your bedroom? - A small desk and a new computer.

2. – What’s in your pencil-box? - There are three pencils.

3. – What colour is your computer? - It’s pink.

4. –Let’s play a game. – OK.

5. –Is there a computer in my room? - Yes, there is.

6. – Is there a TV in my room? - No, there isn’t.

7. -Are there any balls beside the table? - Yes, there are.

8. – Are there any toys behind the desk? - No, there aren’t.

My house

1. – Welcome to my house. –Thank you.

2. – Please come in. – Thank you.

3. – Where’s your bedroom? - It is beside the toilet.

4. – Where is the kitchen? - Here it is.

5. – Do you live in a flat? - Yes, I do.

6. – Do you watch TV after school? - No, I don’t.

My school

1. –Welcome! --Thank you!

2. – Let me show you our new school. –OK.

3. – Where is your classroom? --It’s next to the library.

4. – Is there a swimming pool? --Yes, there is.

5. – How many classrooms are there in your school?

--Our school has thirty-eight classsrooms.

6. – How many English teachers are there in your school? - There are thirteen.

7. –Are they big or small? -They are big.


My class

1. – How many stars does your group have? --It has eighty stars.

2. – So Group One is the winner. –Great!

3. – How many subjects do you have? - We have seven subjects.

4. – What is your favourite subject? - My favourite subject is Chinese.

5. – What subject do you like best? - I like Enlgish best.


1. – Do you like it? - Yes, I do.

2. – Do you buy it? - No, I don’t.

3. – How much is it? - It’s two hundred and fifty yuan.

4. – Can I help you? - Yes, please. I want to buy some shoes.

5. – How much are the black shoes? - They’re 150 yuan.

6. – Do you want anything else? - No, thanks.


1. – What do you want to be when you grow up? - I want to be an English teacher.

2. – I want to cook nice food for people.

3. –What’s your father’s job? - He’s a factory worker.

4. – What’s her job? - She is a teacher.

5. – Do you want to be a teacher like your mother? - Yes, I do.
