
发布时间:2016-11-19 10:56

名词解释:智商是智力商数的简称(Intelligence Quotient),它是通过一系列标准测试测量人在其年龄段的智力发展水平,它必须与灵商(SQ)配合运用才行。智力也叫智能,它是人们认识客观事物并运用知识解决实际问题的能力。智力表现多个方面,如观察力、记忆力、想象力、创造力、分析判断能力、思维能力、应变能力、推理能力等,其包括文商(CQ)。你知道用英语怎么表达吗

A three-year old girl with an IQ above 160 has just become the youngest person in Arizona to be accepted into Mensa.

In fact, the doctor said young Alexis Martin did so well on intelligence tests they couldn't even calculate her IQ score exactly.


Martin's parents said she's currently consuming books at a 5th grade reading level and even taught herself Spanish on the family's iPad.





文中的IQ代表intelligence quotient,意为“智商”,是由德国心理学家斯特恩(W Steron)提出的,普通人的智商一般是90~110。

intelligence是名词,解释为“智力,才能”,如:The children were given an intelligence test.(儿童们接受了智力测验。)此外,与之对应的“情商”则为“EQ”(Emotion Quotient),是衡量情感智力水平高低的一项指标。

