雅思大作文范文 物品类

发布时间:2017-03-17 12:41



Since the discovery of tobacco related to anumber of health problems, an increasing number ofpeople have called for prohibiting smoking. It isundeniable that still a considerable amount of smokers exist in this world. I would like toexamine the advantages and disadvantages of smoking cigarettes as following and then offermy own opinion.

There are some advantages to taking tobacco.(topic sentence) First, tobacco industrycontributes a great proportion of revenue to the nation. Extremely high taxation imposed ontobacco yielding and cigarette manufacturing has released the financial burden for both thegovernment and the individual taxpayer generation by generation. Second, the soothingeffects of smoking has been confirmed by ordinary smokers; particularly those who have hard-brain-working jobs are in favor of it; they claim that smoking cigarettes can make them calmand stimulate brain cells to work more efficiently. Finally, cigarettes play an important role insocial activities.

On the other hand, smoking demonstrates numerous negative effects.(topic sentence)Initially, nicotine may bring takers a number of diseases. Second-hand smoking also does harmto your health. Moreover, hatred from non-smokers always grow against smokers hence someconflicts arise frequently. We then look at the statistics showing that thousands of fireaccidents worldwide occur each year due to the litter of non-extinguished cigarette ends, not tomention the related deaths and losses. Last but not least, expenses have to be taken intoconsideration. Fine cigarettes are not cheap. If you get addicted to them, your daily amount ofcigarette consumption will increase inevitably, emptying your pocket money.

After all, the above demerits and merits of using tobacco cannot possibly justify tobaccobeing listed as illegal drugs such as cocaine and heroin, which can extremely affect thenervous system hence to ruin a person's health very soon as well as to rise crime ratesdramatically; I suggest more restricted smoking areas be planned so as not to violate non-smokers' rights.


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The illustrations below show how chocolateis produced.

Summarise the informaiton by selecting andreporting the main features.

Write at least 150 words.

雅思大作文范文 物品类


The diagram shows the stages in the process of making chocolate.

Chocolate comes from the cacao tree, which is grown in parts of South America, Africa andIndonesia.The tree produces large red pods whichcontain white cocoa beans. Firstly,when the podsare ripe,they are harvested, the beans are removed and they are fermented for several days inlarge wooden boxes.During the fermentingprocess, the beans turn brown.

Next, the brown beans are spread in the sun to dry. They are then put in large sacks andtransported by train or lorry. After this, the beans are taken to a chocolate factory where theyare roasted in an oven at temperatures of between 250 and 350 degree Celsius.

After being roasted, the beans are crushed and the outer shell is removed. This part is notneeded for making chocolate. Finally, the inner part of the bean is pressed and liquid chocolateis produced.


Medically, tobacco has been told distinguishinglyfrom drugs. Nevertheless, there has been an on-going argument about whether or not tobaccoshould be made illegal as drugs. After closeinspection, I would like to support the legalization oftobacco for the following reasons.

The main reason is that tobacco is an absolutelydifferent concept from drugs in terms of the toxicity. Drugs, such as heroin, can drive peoplewho take it insane and out of mind. And the damage is both mental and physical. In contrast,despite all those tobacco-related diseased, tobacco do far less harm to people than drugs do.What’s more, in our daily life, many other things are doing potential damage to people. Forinstance, chemical detergent polluted the underground water and vegetable, causing the toxinaccumulating in our body. Therefore, judging only by the number of diseases tobacco will bringwon’t be a reasonable method; we can’t equate tobacco with drugs.

In the second place, smoking has been part of life of many people. Most male smokersadmit that they will get refreshed after taking a cigarette, especially when a hard work is justover. Some old people smoke just for relaxation and killing the time. Lao She, a famousChinese litterateur, said that he wouldn’t have got inspiration until smoking a cigarette. And,surprisingly, he has lived a long life of 92 years! It’s evident that the saying: smoking willshorten people’s life is unnecessarily true.

What is still worth mentioning is that tobacco has been a pillar industry in some countries.For those economies, a majority of trade volume owe to the export of tobacco. Besides, thesum of taxes handed in by tobacco businesses is huge and can be used in the domesticinstruction. Suppose that, some day, tobacco is forbidden and made illegal, which means acollapse of the gigantic industry and millions of laid-off workers.

From what has been cited above, we may safely draw the conclusion that tobacco cannever ever made illegal. However, there are still some efforts we can make: printing the words—smoking is harmful to your health—on the package of cigarette.

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