英语热词Heat Stroke中暑解析

发布时间:2016-11-12 10:18



“heat stroke”在文中解释为中暑,也可以写成heatstroke或heat-stroke。“stroke”作为名词时,可以解释为中风。“中暑”的临床表现为发热、乏力、皮肤灼热、头晕、恶心、呕吐、胸闷。

另外,文末的“meteorological”是形容词,解释为气象的。相关的词汇有:meteorological station 气象站和meteorological department 气象部门。

英语热词Heat Stroke中暑解析


Medical experts in Shanghai have warned people, especially the elderly, to stay out of the sun and remain cool, as high temperatures continue to claim lives.


At least 11 people have died of heat stroke in Shanghai so far this summer. The city's temperatures have been 39 degrees or above in recent days and the local meteorological department said this July is the hottest in decades.


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