
发布时间:2017-05-26 09:42


关于长城的英语故事:seeking her husband at the great wall

a han folktale

a little over two hundred years before our era, the first emperor of the chin dynasty ascended the throne under the name of shih huang. this emperor was very cruel towards his subjects, forcing people from every part of the country to come and build the great wall to protect his empire. work never stopped, day or night, with the people carrying heavy loads of earth and bricks under the overseers' whips, lashes, and curses. they received very little food; the clothes they wore were threadbare. so it was scarcely to be wondered at that large numbers of them died every day.

there was a young man, named wan hsi-liang, among those who had been pressed into the service of building emperor shih huang's great wall. this wan hsi-liang had a beautiful and virtuous wife, whose name was meng chiang-nu. for a long, long time after her husband was forced to leave her, meng chiang-nu had no news of him, and it saddened her to think what he must be suffering, toiling for the accursed emperor. her hatred of the wicked ruler grew apace with her longing for the husband he had torn from her side. one spring, when the flowers were in bloom and the trees budding, when the grass was a lush green, and the swallows were flying in pairs in the sky, her sorrow seemed to deepen as she walked in the fields, so she sang:

in march the peach is blossom-dressed;

swallows, mating, build their nest.

two by two they gaily fly....

left all alone, how sad am i!

but even when autumn came round, there still was no news about wan hsi-liang. it was rumored that the great wall was in building somewhere way up north where it was so cold that one would hardly dare stick one's hands out of one's sleeves. when meng chiang-nu heard this, she hurriedly made cotton-padded clothes and shoes for her husband. but who should take these to him when it was such a long way to the great wall? pondering the matter over and over, she finally decided she would take the clothes and shoes to wan hsi-liang herself.

it was rather cold when she started out. the leaves had fallen from the trees and, as the harvest had been gathered in, the fields were empty and forlornly dismal. it was very lonely for meng chiang-nu to walk all by herself, especially since she had never been away from home in her life, and did not know the way and had to ask for directions every now and then.

one evening she failed to reach a town she was going to, so she put up for the night in a little temple in a grove beside the road. having walked the whole day, she was very tired and fell asleep as soon as she lay down on a stone table. she dreamed her husband was coming towards her, and a feeling of great happiness enveloped her. but then he told her that he had died, and she cried bitterly. when she woke up in the morning, she was overwhelmed by doubts and sadness as she remembered this dream. with curses on the emperor who had torn so many families asunder, meng chiang-nu continued on her way.

one day, she came to a small inn by the side of the hilly road. the inn was kept by an old woman who, when she saw meng chiang-nu's hot face and dusty clothes, asked where she was going. when meng chiang-nu told her, she was deeply moved.

"aya!" she sighed, "the great wall is still far away from here, there are mountains and rivers to cross before you. how can a weak young woman like yourself get there?" but meng chiang-nu told the old woman she was determined to get the clothes and shoes to her husband, no matter what the difficulty. the old woman was as much touched by the younger one's willpower as she was concerned about her safety. the next day she accompanied meng chiang-nu over a distance to show her sympathy.

and so, meng chiang-nu walked on and on and on till, one day, she came to a deep valley between the mountains. the sky was overcast with gray clouds, a strong wind was blowing that chilled the air. she walked quite a long time through the valley without, however, finding a single house. all she could see were weeds, brambles and rocks. it was getting so dark that she could no longer see the road. at the foot of the mountains there was a river, running with water of a murky color. where should she go? being at her wit's end, she decided to spend the night among some bushes. as she had not eaten anything for the whole day, she shivered all the more violently in the cold. thinking of how her husband must be suffering in this icy cold weather, her heart contracted with a pain as sharp as a knife. when meng chiang-nu opened her eyes the next morning, she found to her amazement the whole valley and her own body covered with a blanket of snow. how was she to continue her travel?

while she was still quite at a loss as to what to do, a crow suddenly alighted before her. it cawed twice and flew on a short distance, then sat down again in front of her and cawed again twice. meng chiang-nu decided that the bird was inviting her to follow its direction and so she resumed her travel, a little cheered because of the company of this living thing, and she began to sing as she walked along:

thick and fast swirl round the winter snows:

i, meng chiang-nu, trudge, bearing winter clothes,

a starveling crow, alas, my only guide,

the great wall far, and i far from his side!

thus she walked past mountain ranges, crossing big rivers as well as small streams.

and thus many a dreary day had passed before she at last reached the great wall. how excited she was when she caught sight of it, meandering like a huge serpent over the mountains before her. the wind was piercingly cold and the bare mountains were covered with dry grass only, without a single tree anywhere. clusters of people were huddling against the great wall; these were the people who had been driven here to build it.

meng chiang-nu walked along the great wall, trying to find her husband among those who were toiling here. she asked after her husband, but nobody knew anything about him, so she had to go on and on inquiring.... she saw what sallow faces the toilers had, their cheekbones protruding through the skin, and she saw many dead lying about, without anybody paying any attention. her anguish over her husband's unknown fate increased, so that she shed many bitter tears as she continued her search.

关于长城的英语故事:梦想的旅行者 独自一人走完古长城

As one of the first few persons to walk the entire Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) Great Wall, Norwegian Robert Loken knows that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step but in his case it was a sojourn of 6,000 km. On Dec 2, 601 days after departing from the Wall's westernmost terminus, Gansu province's Jiayuguan, the 42-year-old stomped over the final brick of the final eastern watchtower, Liaoning province's Hushan.

为少有游览完整个明朝(1368-1644)长城的人来说,Norwegian Robert Loken 知道千里之行始于足下,而且这是一段6千米的长途路程。从长城最西端的甘肃嘉峪关出发,经过601天的长途跋涉,这位42岁的终于在12月2号到达长城的最东段辽宁省湖山,完成他的长城之旅。

I had converted a 21-year-old dream into living moments, moments in life," Loken says."It's not about being the first, or walking the farthest or the fastest. It's about the experience of following my dream."


Fulfilling his life's goal required surmounting the treacherous distance of about 140 marathons before reaching the final pass, at the border of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. On one of the final days, he walked more than 40 km "without sitting down", he says.


While about a dozen foreigners and even more Chinese have followed the Ming Wall from Jiayuguan to the end of the existing bulwark in Hebei province's Shanhaiguan, Loken was the first to continue on to retrace the Ming-era maps' original route - the stone of which centuries have mostly ground away - to Hushan. He conquered those final 1,370 km through Liaoning in 41 days, pushing to finish before his visa expired on Dec 5, he says.


"When I reached (Hushan), I could finally let my shoulders down and relax for the first time in ayear and a half," Loken says.


The adventurer had spent nearly two years dealing with snakes, scorpions and wild dogs. Heran out of water in the Gobi Desert and nearly passed out in a blizzard in Central China. Hebroke his left big toe in Shanxi.


Loken was happy to return to his parents' home in Oslo, after an airline strike canceled hishomecoming flight, postponing his return by a day.

完成旅途后,航班取消了他回家的班机,推迟了一天回家,但是Loken 很高兴回到奥斯陆(挪威首都)父母的家里。

"We were relieved and joyful at having him safely back home after 20 months," says hisfather, Tor Loken.

他的爸爸Tor Loken说,“经过20个月的分离,他终于能够平安的归来,我们都感到非常的欣慰和高兴。”

His mother, Jean Loken, adds: "So much could have gone wrong, but it went much better thanwe could have hoped for It's an incredible achievement for Robert, and we are very proud ofhim."

他的妈妈Jean Loken:“我们之前认为他的长城之旅的决定是不现实的,但是结果却比我们期望的要好很多。这是Robert Loken的一次惊人的成就,我们都为他感到非常的自豪。”

Loken says what he has done has not yet "sunk in", and he is looking forward to "processing" itwhile recuperating in his homeland.


"Physically, I'm at the peak of my life. But I'm tired in the top floor," he says, tapping his indexfinger against his temple.


"I'm tired of all the experiences, tired of being on the move for such a long time. It's not theuncertainty of life, but rather, it's the ever-changing. I wake up in the morning, and I don'tknow who I'm going to meet, what I'm going to see or experience and where I'm going to sleepthat night."


In addition to spending long stretches of time alone, he never saw the same person more thanonce on the Wall - that is, except for one woman in Hebei province's Panjiakou, whom he hadmet when he and his brother were hiking along the Wall 12 years earlier.


"I remembered where she lived and knocked on her door, and this fantastic woman opened thedoor," Loken says."She took my hands and led me in, and showed me a picture of my brotherand I with her and her husband she'd put on her wall."


"It was an intensely emotional moment, "he says."I'd been going for a year and a half withoutbeing recognized by anyone I met, and that does something to you mentally I was alwaysmoving on. I'd say, 'hello' to someone in the evening and 'goodbye' the next morning."



This story happened during the Qin Dynasty (221BC-206BC). There was once an old man named Meng who lived in the southern part of the country with his wife. One spring, Meng sowed a seed of bottle gourd in his yard. The bottle gourd grew up bit by bit and its vines climbed over the wall and entered his neighbor Jiang's yard. Like Meng, Jiang had no children and so he became very fond of the plant. He watered and took care of the plant. With tender care of both men, the plant grew bigger and bigger and gave a beautiful bottle gourd in autumn. Jiang plucked it off the vine, and the two old men decided to cut the gourd and divide it by half. To their surprise when they cut the gourd a pretty and lovely girl was lying inside! They felt happy to have a child and both loved her very much, so they decided to bring the child up together. They named the girl Meng Jiangnu, which means Meng and Jiang's daughter.

As time went by, Meng Jiangnu grew up and became a beautiful young woman. She was very smart and industrious. She took care of old Meng and Jiang's families, washing the clothes and doing the house work. People knew that Meng Jiangnu was a good girl and liked her very much. One day while playing in the yard, Meng Jiangnu saw a young man hiding in the garden. She called out to her parents, and the young man came out.

At that time, Emperor Qin Shihuang (the first emperor of Qin) announced to build the Great Wall. So lots of men were caught by the federal officials. Fan Qiliang was an intellectual man and very afraid of being caught, so he went to Meng's house to hide from the officials. Meng and Jiang liked this good-looking, honest, and good-mannered young man. They decided to wed their daughter to him. Both Fan Qiliang and Meng Jiangnu accepted happily, and the couple was married several days later. However, three days after their marriage, officials suddenly broke in and took Fan Qiliang away to build the Great Wall in the north of China.

It was a hard time for Meng Jiangnu after her husband was taken away - she missed her husband and cried nearly every day. She sewed warm clothes for her husband and decided to set off to look for him. Saying farewell to her parents, she packed her luggage and started her long journey. She climbed over mountains and went through the rivers. She walked day and night, slipping and falling many times, but finally she reached the foot of the Great Wall at the present Shanhaiguan Pass.

Upon her arrival, she was eager to ask about her husband. Bad news came to her, however, that Fan Qiliang had already died of exhaustion and was buried into the Great Wall! Meng Jiangnu could not help crying. She sat on the ground and cried and cried. Suddenly with a tremendous noise, a 400 kilometer-long (248-mile-long) section of the Great Wall collapsed over her bitter wail. The workmen and supervisors were astonished. Emperor Qin Shihuang happened to be touring the wall at that exact time, and he was enraged and ready to punish the woman.

However, at the first sight of Meng Jiangnu Emperor Qin Shihuang was attracted by her beauty. Instead of killing her, the Emperor asked Meng Jiangnu to marry him. Suppressing her feeling of anger, Meng Jiangnu agreed on the basis of three terms. The first was to find the body of Fan Qiliang, the second was to hold a state funeral for him, and the last one was to have Emperor Qin Shihuang wear black mourning for Fan Qiliang and attend the funeral in person. Emperor Qin Shihuang thought for a while and reluctantly agreed. After all the terms were met, Emperor Qin Shihuang was ready to take her to his palace. When the guarders were not watching, she suddenly turned around and jumped into the nearby Bohai Sea.

This story tells of the hard work of Chinese commoners, as well as exposes the cruel system of hard labor during the reign of Emperor Qing Shihuang. The Ten-Thousand-Li Great Wall embodied the power and wisdom of the Chinese nation. In memory of Meng Jiangnu, later generations built a temple, called the Jiangnu Temple, at the foot of the Great Wall in which a statue of Meng Jiangnu is located. Meng Jiangnu's story has been passed down from generation to generation.






孟姜女哭长城的故事,很快就被人们所传颂,人们为纪念她,在山海关附近的一个山头上,给她修了坟、建了庙,取名为"姜女庙"。 孟姜女万里寻夫送寒衣,哭倒长城八百里的故事家喻户晓,流传至今。
