汉语解释:红豆即海红豆(学名:Adenanthera pavonina Linn. var. microsperma)豆科海红豆属,乔木,羽状复叶,小叶长椭圆,圆锥花序,花白色,荚果扁平,种子鲜红色,心材暗褐色,质坚而耐腐,可为支柱、船舶、建筑用材和箱板;种子鲜红色而光亮,甚为美丽,可作装饰品。那么,你知道红豆的英语怎么说吗?
中文: 红豆
Ormosia hosiei; jumby bean; bean tree; (红豆树的种子, 象征相思) love pea ;
The sale of red bean fall off considerably in the past few months.

Red berries grow in southern land.
Alice loves the sweet ones without red beans.
If only the jequirity had been boiled to produce lingering wounds.
We make red bean pudding cakes and eat freshly baked moon cakes.
The red rice poured miso soup taboo.
If only the jequirity had been boiled to produce lingering wounds.
It is prepared by boiling and mashing azuki beans and then sweetening the paste with sugar or honey.
1. Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a mess of pottage. 以扫为了一碗红豆汤儿把长子的财产继承权卖给了雅各.
2. I am willing to an Acacia beans for your entire cosmos. 我愿意以一颗红豆换你整个相思宇宙.
3. If we kind of red beans, mung bean, watermelon long drawn! 如果我们种红豆 、 绿豆,长得出西瓜吗!
4. The red beans rooted and then grew into big trees. 根深蒂固的红豆,然后长成大树.
5. Red beans are Longquan Gap Gap Gap a branch. 红豆峡是龙泉峡的一条支峡.
6. Red beans increased gastrointestinal motility and reduce constipation, andpromote urination. 红豆可增加肠胃蠕动,减少便秘, 促进排尿.
7. You celebrate your birthday with taro, red bean, and lard. 用红豆 、 芋头和猪油给自己过生日.
8. In folklore, red beans are considered intelligent and lucky. 在民间文学艺术, 红豆被认为是明智和幸运.
9. Pistachio custard with coffee syrup; Berries and cream; and little almondcakes. 开心果奶油与咖啡糖浆, 红豆,奶油和小杏仁饼.
10. One of the the Red Bean Autumn Moon Festival Celebration - The TwelveClass. 红豆庆中秋粤曲欣赏会 - 群体表演节目:载歌载舞、别具新意的“十二栏杆十二钗”.
11. I would like red beans, peanuts, mango, and condensed milk. 我要大红豆 、 花生 、 芒果, 还有炼乳.
12. Health and southern red beans, spring hair Ji Zhi. 红豆生南国, 春来发几枝.
13. Clean the red beans, soak in water overnight. 清洗红豆, 浸泡过夜.
14. For desert we are having bean - ice cream. 餐后的甜点是红豆冰沙.
15. Red berries grow in southern land. 红豆生南国.
16. Take yam with bean. 吃了甜薯煮红豆.
17. I grow soybeans, red beans, and white beans. 我种大豆 、 红豆和白豆.
18. You've eaten a red bean popsicle. 你吃过红豆冰棍.
19. The texture is soft and chewy. :由糯米、赤红豆、枣泥、莲蓉材料制成的糕饼.
20. Acacia real red beans, large grain shape, diameter 8 - 9 mm, 1 Jin 1700. 真正的相思红豆, 粒形特大, 直径8--9毫米, 一市斤1700粒.