
发布时间:2017-03-01 17:59




难听恶毒的英语骂人话 贱人的品格低下

No culture PigHead没文化的猪头

The top of the idiot顶级白痴的无赖

You fucking is a donkey你他妈的就是一头驴

Chest big idiotic胸大的脑残

Mind filled with sand脑子装满沙

Explosion you Chrysanthemum爆你菊花

You are the whole remnant of the results你就是整残了的结果

You divided the dog原来你狗格分裂了

Congenital defects, cannot change先天性缺陷,无法改变

Venereal disease ridden性病缠身

Bitch character is low贱人的品格低下

Nobody wants little bastard没人要的小杂种

A normal person人模人样的畜生

学会用犀利低俗的英语骂人 滚回狗窝玩黄瓜

The evil scumbag万恶的人渣

Covered with piles of mouth长满痔疮的嘴

Barking dog乱吠的狗

Covered with filth man满身污秽的人

Annoying Green Tea bitch讨人厌的绿茶婊

Your life is a waste of money你活着是浪费金钱

give me rollback calf给我滚犊子

Only the Bitch prostitution只会卖淫的贱人

The dog paralysis狗麻痹

Monster from outer space外太空来的怪物

Stink Fox, get away as far as you can臭狐狸,死远点

Don't Bitchy lousy bitch烂婊子别犯贱

Roll back home to play cucumber滚回狗窝玩黄瓜

史上最难听的英语骂人话大全 无知猥琐的混蛋

Congenital defect was not saved先天性缺陷没得救

The typical animal禽兽里的典型

Can't stand you pretend不能容忍你的装逼

Scumbag representative人渣的代表

Unable to compliment your IQ无法恭维你的智商

Stop fooling around!别鬼混了!

Psychiatric patients with severe精神病重症患者

Mind full of feces脑子里装满粪便

Ignorance of wretched asshole无知猥琐的混蛋

Birdlike, not arrogant鸟样,别嚣张

The ugly not fit to be seen丑的不堪入目

Heart very dirty内心无比肮脏

Even if not refuse waste连垃圾都不如的废物


偶尔学些英语骂人的话 贱人不犯贱纯属扯淡

Son of a bitch is not good龟孙子不乖

Local tyrant can't tall, rich and handsome土豪成不了高富帅

Garbage trash talking垃圾人说垃圾话

No matter how you look at it, you are like a pig.不管怎么看,你都像头猪

Idiotic to myrrh medicine脑残到没药医

Bitch not Bitchy, is bullshit.贱人不犯贱,纯属扯淡

Bloated coquettish woman臃肿的骚妇

Bastard you see all stunned王八看见你都被吓晕

The cerebellum developed, not brain小脑发达,大脑没有

The base prize for you最贱奖非你莫属

Stupid moron蠢到极点的窝囊废

You horrid scumbag你这个可恶的人渣

You bitch, not qualified to talk to me你这个臭婊子,没资格和我说话

犀利英语骂人越毒越好 爱装逼的傻子

The asylum out patients疯人院出来的病人

The scumbag idiotic脑残的人渣

Love drunby fool爱装逼的傻子

Don't take your pig's trotters touch me别拿你的猪蹄碰我

Seek nothing but profits唯利是图的小人

Get lost滚开

Flower dog circles狗界中的奇葩

Don't talk to me别跟我扯淡

Gigantic loser impure不纯的屌丝

Scum of the best败类中的极品

You're an asshole你这缺德鬼

You have a lot of nerve脸皮真厚

You bastard你这个畜生

Give me this set少给我来这一套


超拽的英语骂人话 你那该死的眼睛长到哪里去了

Your brain damage ah 你脑残啊!

Forced to like you a two 你个二逼样

You damned (disgusting) bastard! 你这该死的杂种。

Don’t push me! 别逼我!

You heartless bastard! 你这个狼心狗肺的东西!

You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病!

Get off my back. 少跟我罗嗦。

Get away from me! 离我远一点儿!

You big shit!你这个大笨蛋!

It's none of your business. 关你屁事!

Cut it out. 省省吧。

You’re a bloody genius! 你真是个鬼才了!

I could kill you! 我宰了你!

Don't give me your attitude. 别跟我摆架子。

Put it here, blast your eyes! 放这里,你那该死的眼睛长到哪里去了?

I'm so fed up with your BS,Cut the crap. 我受够了你的废话,少说废话吧。

You're a bloody nuisance! 你真他妈的烦人!

最毒英语骂人话 英语骂人大全

You're fucking piece of shit! 你他妈的就是一砣屎。

The fucking mofo, I want to kill you!Cocksucker!你妈的,我要杀了你!贱人!

What the hell is going on with that god damn dirty language stuff?那个满口脏话的家伙他妈的到底在干什么?

Fuck you the fucking fucker!你他妈的真混蛋!

You’re just a good for nothing bum! 你真是一个废物!/ 你一无是处!

You have a lot of nerve.脸皮真厚。

You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病!

You’re son of bitch! 婊子养的!

Stop bitching on my dick!不要在我阴茎前发牢骚!

This is such a bitchery. 那是贱女人的行为.

I found a bitchiness on your face.我在你脸上找出泼妇的脾气.

I'm so fed up with your BS.Cut the crap.我受够了你的废话,少说废话吧!
