即兴演讲(impromptu speech),顾名思义,就是指临场的、毫无准备的演讲。下面是小编整理了怎样做好即兴演讲,欢迎阅读。
is marking western holidays a sign of a modern china or of traditions sacrificed to commercial interests?
do you think university education should be more open-minded?
are we becoming too susceptible to advertising?
which qualities do you look for in a boyfriend?
if you were one representative of people's congress, what advice would you give the government?
题目还有很多,这里就不一一列举了。通过这几个题目,大致可以看出即兴演讲的题目涉及方方面面,从经济、政治、教育、文化、人生到国际问题,包罗万象。这也是即兴演讲具有极强挑战性的原因之一。 题目的范围之大之广对参赛选手提出了很高的要求。要求演讲者平时养成读书看报的习惯,关注周围发生的焦点问题和国际时事,积累各个领域的素材,以便谈论起某一个话题时言之有物,有的放矢;要求演讲者平时养成思考的习惯,多听不同的声音,从不同角度看问题,看问题有想法、有深度。这些都是赛前的准备工作,应多积累、丰富自己的知识内容,强化自己的观点。
"if indeed i had a chance to choose for my life again, i think the time setting i would choose is in the late 1970s and the early 1980s. that was when the chinese government began to adopt the policy of reform and openness. and the place setting i would choose is in some places in the western part of china. why? let me share with you my reasons.
well, when i firstly saw this, errr, heard this topic, i think it reminded me of an experience a few years ago. i still clearly remember that, uhh, at that time, some fellow students and i went to visit a primary school in a very poor village and we were working as tutors there. there, all the classrooms were in a very old building and many windows and doors were broken, so, when it was raining, all the children had to move to a corner in order not to get wet. inside the classroom, five to six children were sharing one desk normally shared by two and many of the desks and chairs were broken, too.
and immediately after we began to teach them english, it became very clear to us that many of these students were very diligent and were very willing to work hard. but later on, as we talked among ourselves, we got to know that they, many of them, could not finish their schooling just because of poverty. i think that this experience enabled us to see that we belong to a few group of, a group of few people that are fortunately enough to receive a college education."