
发布时间:2017-06-01 09:12

A taste of drugs, Hades beckons.你们听说禁毒警示语英语有哪些吗?那么小编为大家整理了禁毒警示语英语,欢迎阅览!

禁毒警示语英语 (热门)

1 you were born, life is all conquering, bully the world -- dead!

2 more than one day

3 anti drug work to implement the unified leadership of the government, the relevant departments, the working mechanism of community wide participation "

4 toxic destruction

5 crack down on illegal drug trafficking activities;

6 opium smoke, eat "flour", who can destroy it? The impossible, impossible to capitalism. In fact, the Communist Party can destroy the ugly things.-------- Deng Xiaoping

7 when all the children of the Yellow Emperor self-improvement, Judu for the drug

8 recognize the harm of drugs, improve the ability to resist

The 9 drugs were abandoned by people to poison rebirth;

10 close to a better life

11 to carry out anti drug struggle

12 refuse drugs, healthy entertainment

The 13 National Narcotics Control, national support, fight against drug traffickers, responsibility.

14 anti-virus drug, to eliminate poison, the country;

15 anti-virus drugs, is everyone's responsibility.

禁毒宣传标语英语 (集锦)

1 drug abuse and family harm others!

2 good reading, good poison lose money

3 anti drug anti drug untiring, alarm bells ringing.

4 action to participate in the anti drug people's War

5 no drug trafficking efforts to achieve no no no toxic drug targets.

6 resolutely eradicate the illegal cultivation of opium poppy and other medicinal plants

7 a lifetime of regret drugs, Mo take life bet tomorrow;

8 vigorously promote the comprehensive management

9 resolutely resist drugs

10 away from new drugs, health achievements in the future

11 resolutely fight for a period of three years of the people's war against drugs

12 households commitment

13 to carry out activities to create non-toxic entertainment, to ensure that a pure land;

Four the prohibition of simultaneous closure of the 14 sources of law enforcement and strict closure of the law

15 participate in the fight against drugs and create a harmonious life

16 "drug law > sword of Damocles, drug destruction

17 drug trafficking, regardless of the number of criminal responsibility shall be investigated

18 mass action, and actively report drug-related crimes!

19 refuse drugs, in the contemporary era, will benefit future generations.

20 dig your own grave

禁毒温馨警示语英语 (最新)

1 resistance to drugs, away from poison

Is the 2 drug addiction is killed for his money, Dutch act

3 concentric away from drugs, sharing a better life

4 to eliminate the harm of drugs, to create peace in Fenggang

5 people were hurt. (beverages, absorbing drugs on the human body has serious harm to the brain, causing serious drug taste, Hades beckons

6 create a non-toxic community,

7 protect people's physical and mental health

8 cherish life, away from drugs, to become civilized youth

9 with love hope, resist evil intentions.

10 actively participate in anti drug work

11 "drug control is the common responsibility of the whole society. State organs, social organizations, enterprises, institutions and other organizations and citizens shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Law and relevant laws and regulations, perform their duties or obligations"

12 to carry out comprehensive treatment to eradicate the harm of drugs!

13 away from drugs, close to a better life

14 drugs are a nuisance to human society

15 drugs are not commodities, prohibit the sale of drugs is not food, avoid tasting!
