
发布时间:2017-05-11 15:53



A Hi Bob,are you all right?You look quite disturbed to me.

B Well,I'm all right I guess..it's just that..

A Don't worry,you can tell me what's going on,maybe I can help you out.

B Well,I just broke up with my girlfriend.

A Really?I'm sorry to hear that.So how come you broke up with her?

B You see,she wanted to get married with me,but I wanted to find a job first.

A Aww,that's so sad to hear.So she couldn't wait until you get a job?

B I guess not,that's why we broke up.

A Well,look on the bright side,you should focus on finding a nice job right now,and maybe afterwards you can get back with your girlfriend.If that doesn't work out,then I'm sure you'll find a better girl.

B Yeah,I guess so,thanks for comforting me.

A No problem,I hope you'll feel better.


AHi, Mike. Haven't seen you for a while. How's Cathy?


BWe are not seeing each other any more.


AWhat happened? Did you break up?


BYeah. I got sick and tired of her nagging all the time.


AOh, I am sorry. Maybe you were just emotional at that moment. Do you think you guys can get back together?


BI don't know. There’s plenty of fish out there in the sea!


AOh, you are such a dog!



Abby: Don’t beat yourself up about it. People get fired every day.

Angel: Yeah, but it’s the first time I’ve ever been fired!

Abby: So, look on the bright side, now you can take that holiday you’ve been dreaming about for so long.

Angel: That’s true.

Abby: Go away, Think about your next move and come back ready to start new.

Angel: I feel better already!


Why you look so gloomy? What are you looking for?

My dissertation. I put it somewhere last night, and I can't find it now.

Did you finish typing it yesterday?

Yes, I kept on typing until midnight, but it's lost.

Don't worry about it. It must be somewhere in your room. Let's see where you put it. Have you searched your drawers and the desk?

Yes, but there's nothing inside the drawers or on the desk.

How about the shelf?

I've searched everywhere. Where on Earth did I put it?

Don't get upset over it. At least you have another week to go.

I've been working on it for a whole month and it's too late for write another. Just think of all my hard work that goes for nothing. How could I do such a thing?

Cheer up. What I meant was that you can find it sometime during the week. There's no need to write a new one. Oh, what's this? Is this you dissertation?

Let me see. Yes, that's it. Where did you find it?

You put it among these journals.

My poor memory. Thank you very much!
