
发布时间:2016-11-10 12:30

above释义:超过;在 ... 上面;高于。以下是小编为大家整理了above这个词组的同义词和例句,以供大家参考学习。


aloft on


The book is on the table.


The spider is walking on the ceiling.


I bought it on credit.


He studied at Oxford on a Rhodes scholarship.


What do you do on New Year's Day?


He will give a lecture on international affairs.


They made their own judgment on his report.





The glider was soaring above the valley.


Applicants must be above the age of 18.


The sun rose above the horizon.


The bird is flying low above the water.


A captain in the navy ranks above a captain in the army.


He lived in a flat above the shop. 他住在那商店上面的一套房间里。

The airliner flew above the clouds. 大型客机在云层上面飞行。

Please weigh the above points and see if they are practicable. 以上几点意见是否可行,请酌定。

Respecting the above-mentioned facts,we wish to make the following proposals. 鉴于上述情况,我们提出以下建议。

In view of the above-mentioned facts, we wish to make the following proposals. 鉴于上述情况,我们提出以下建议。

Notice that each level only communicates with the level above or below. 注意每个层次仅仅与它上面或者下面的过程传递信息。

Attack from above! 从上面攻击!

Have you applied any of the above strategies in your business? 你有没有把上面的任何策略用在你自己的生意上?

If you answered yes to one or more of the above, then you need to think about how you handle the matter of time in your application. 如果您对上述一个或一个以上的问题的回答是肯定的,那么就需要考虑如何在应用程序中处理时间问题。

So what should we do to promote peace, in addition to the proposals mentionedabove? 那么,除了上述提到的方案外,我们应该采取什么行动来促进和平呢?

When you do, I think you’ll find that at least one of the above applies to you. 一旦你这样做了,我想你将会找出至少一条上面说的情况与你相符。

They look like me, and the wife in the story above. 他们就像我和上面故事中的妻子一样。

As an example, compare the slide above with the one below. 作为例子,我们把上面的片子和下面的片子比较一下。

In the photo above, the moon rises over one of the dark ivory towers. 在上面的照片中,月亮高高地挂在一个昏暗的“象牙塔”上面。

If you plan to go that route, you need to understand all of the points above. 如果计划沿着这条路线走,您需要理解上述的所有要点。

Learn how to avoid guys like in the picture above and read our guide below! 学习如何避开像上面图片里的家伙,并阅读下面的我们的指南。

This rule is an exception to the above rule of not setting mediation propertiesduring this phase. 本条规则是上述要求不在此阶段设置中介属性的那条规则的一个例外。

As mentioned above, our bank will consist of only one table. 像上面所提及的,我们的银行仅仅包含一张表。

For example, what if the above data looked like this, instead? 例如,上面的数据变成下表的样子会怎样?

All in all, I like all of my teachers. But what I've written above - I've experiencedmyself. 但是话说回来了,我很爱我的老师们,我之所以会写以上的内容——这些都是我的亲身经历。
