
发布时间:2017-05-12 07:59

在英语学习的初级阶段 ,根据第一语言习得的相关理论及儿童心理特征的研究 ,讲故事有助于激发儿童的语言学习兴趣 ,并能使其处于积极而活跃的最佳学习状态。本文是关于经典的英语故事,希望对大家有帮助!

关于经典的英语故事:The two brothers

There were once upon a time two brothers, one rich and the other poor. The rich one was a goldsmith and evil-hearted. The poor one supported himself by making brooms, and was good and honourable. The poor one had two children, who were twin brothers and as like each other as two drops of water. The two boys went backwards and forwards to the rich house, and often got some of the scraps to eat. It happened once when the poor man was going into the forest to fetch brush-wood, that he saw a bird which was quite golden and more beautiful than any he had ever chanced to meet with. He picked up a small stone, threw it at him, and was lucky enough to hit him, but one golden feather only fell down, and the bird flew away. The man took the feather and carried it to his brother, who looked at it and said, "It is pure gold!" and gave him a great deal of money for it. Next day the man climbed into a birch-tree, and was about to cut off a couple of branches when the same bird flew out, and when the man searched he found a nest, and an egg lay inside it, which was of gold. He took the egg home with him, and carried it to his brother, who again said, "It is pure gold," and gave him what it was worth. At last the goldsmith said, "I should indeed like to have the bird itself." The poor man went into the forest for the third time, and again saw the golden bird sitting on the tree, so he took a stone and brought it down and carried it to his brother, who gave him a great heap of gold for it. "Now I can get on," thought he, and went contentedly home.

The goldsmith was crafty and cunning, and knew very well what kind of a bird it was. He called his wife and said, "Roast me the gold bird, and take care that none of it is lost. I have a fancy to eat it all myself." The bird, however, was no common one, but of so wondrous a kind that whosoever ate its heart and liver found every morning a piece of gold beneath his pillow. The woman made the bird ready, put it on the spit, and let it roast. Now it happened that while it was at the fire, and the woman was forced to go out of the kitchen on account of some other work, the two children of the poor broom-maker ran in, stood by the spit and turned it round once or twice. And as at that very moment two little bits of the bird fell down into the dripping-tin, one of the boys said, "We will eat these two little bits; I am so hungry, and no one will ever miss them." Then the two ate the pieces, but the woman came into the kitchen and saw that they were eating something and said, "What have ye been eating?" - "Two little morsels which fell out of the bird," answered they. "That must have been the heart and the liver," said the woman, quite frightened, and in order that her husband might not miss them and be angry, she quickly killed a young cock, took out his heart and liver, and put them beside the golden bird. When it was ready, she carried it to the goldsmith, who consumed it all alone, and left none of it. Next morning, however, when he felt beneath his pillow, and expected to bring out the piece of gold, no more gold pieces were there than there had always been.

The two children did not know what a piece of good-fortune had fallen to their lot. Next morning when they arose, something fell rattling to the ground, and when they picked it up there were two gold pieces! They took them to their father, who was astonished and said, "How can that have happened?" When next morning they again found two, and so on daily, he went to his brother and told him the strange story. The goldsmith at once knew how it had come to pass, and that the children had eaten the heart and liver of the golden bird, and in order to revenge himself, and because he was envious and hard-hearted, he said to the father, "Thy children are in league with the Evil One, do not take the gold, and do not suffer them to stay any longer in thy house, for he has them in his power, and may ruin thee likewise." The father feared the Evil One, and painful as it was to him, he nevertheless led the twins forth into the forest, and with a sad heart left them there.

And now the two children ran about the forest, and sought the way home again, but could not find it, and only lost themselves more and more. At length they met with a huntsman, who asked, "To whom do you children belong?" - "We are the poor broom-maker's boys," they replied, and they told him that their father would not keep them any longer in the house because a piece of gold lay every morning under their pillows. "Come," said the huntsman, "that is nothing so very bad, if at the same time you keep honest, and are not idle." As the good man liked the children, and had none of his own, he took them home with him and said, "I will be your father, and bring you up till you are big." They learnt huntsmanship from him, and the piece of gold which each of them found when he awoke, was kept for them by him in case they should need it in the future.


Beauty and the Beast

One day, the merchant heard that all his ships had been lost in a storm. He was penniless andwould have to move to a tiny cottage on the edge of the woods.

"Everything will be alright," said the youngest daughter, Beauty,. "We can all help. We don'tneed any servants as the house is so small."

The merchant was very grateful to Beauty. The older girls were very upset, and were no helpat all.

In no time at all, Beauty had the little cottage spick and span.

One day, a messenger arrived.

"I have good news," he said to the merchant. "One of your ships has made harbour. You areneeded to oversee matters in the unloading."

"Oh, good news indeed!" said the merchant. He called his daughters around him. they weredelighted when they heard the news.

"Does this mean that we can move back home?" asked the oldest daughter.

"First things first," said her father. "If there is a profit, I'll bring you all back a present. You musttell me what you would like."

"Oh, a beautiful dress, father," cried the first.

"A new hat, father," said the second.

"What about you, Beauty?" asked the merchant.

Beauty simply said," A red rose please, father."

The merchant set out that very day for the town with the messenger. He completed hisbusiness, and found that he had indeed made a profit. There was enough to buy his daughters'presents and some to invest. The dress and hat were soon bought, but there were no roses tobe had in the town.

It was evening when he set out for home.

"Maybe I'll be able to find one on the way home," he said to himself.

He was still far from home when it started to grow dark. He was in an unfamiliar part of theforest, and knew that he would soon be lost if he did not find somewhere for the night. Hesuddenly saw some lights and soon found himself outside a vast mansion.

"I did not know that this was here," said the merchant. "I must really be lost!"

The merchant went into the house as the front door was open. He looked around, but therewas nobody to be seen. He suddenly sniffed the air. He could smell delicious food. A table in thedining room was laid for one, so he sat and ate a hearty supper.

He suddenly remembered his horse, and went to stable it for the night, but it had already beendone, and the horse was tucking into a bag of oats.

'How strange,' thought the merchant, returning to the house. There, a bedroom had beenprepared for him. He slept well, and in the morning, found all his clothes had been cleaned,breakfast was ready and his horse was saddled.

At the front door, he turned to thank his unseen host, but then he saw the garden. I was fullof roses - roses of every different colour.

"Now I can get Beauty's present," said the merchant, and he picked a red rose.

The merchant nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a furious roar.

"Have I not been a good host? roared the voice. "I fed you, gave you a bed for the night andstabled your horse, and you repay me by stealing from me."

The owner of the voice then came into sight. The merchant shuddered. It was the ugliestcreature he had ever seen.

"I am very sorry, " said the merchant. "I picked it for my daughter."

"If you wish to live, you must send the first living thing you see when you arrive home, " saidthe Beast.

"Very well," said the merchant. He knew that his dog usually greeted him first.

He then set off for home. But to his dismay, it was Beauty who ran out of the house to greethim. The dog was lying asleep in the sun.

The other girls came out to empty the saddle bags and to see their presents. He went quietlyinto the house. Beauty was worried and followed him in.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"I must send you to the Beast's house," he said sadly, and then told Beauty what hadhappened.

"I will go," said Beauty. "We must keep your promise."

"But you have not seen him," said her father. "I will still go," said Beauty. "He surely cannot beas ugly as you say."

But Beauty did shudder the first time she saw the Beast at the house in the middle of theforest. The Beast pretended not to notice her shudder, and showed her around the house andgardens. She had a beautiful room and lovely clothes, and he gave her a magic mirror so thatshe could see her family whenever she wanted to.

The Beast spent every afternoon with her, and gradually she became used to his ugly face andlooked forward to seeing him.

One afternoon the Beast said, "Beauty, do you love me?"

"Love you?" repeated Beauty. "No, But I do like you, I like you a lot."

"Never mind," said the Beast and he left her, much earlier than usual.

Beauty looked in her mirror and saw that her sister was getting ready to be married.

Beauty asked the Beast if she could go to the wedding.

The Beast agreed, and he sent her in a beautiful carriage with a lovely present.

"Don't go back to him," said her father, after the wedding.

"I must," said Beauty. "I have promised to stay."

On her return, the Beast seemed very pleased to see her, and gave her all sorts of gifts, andspent a great deal of time with her.

The next time that Beauty looked in the mirror, her other sister was preparing for her wedding.

"Please may I go?" Beauty asked the Beast. "I promise I shall return again."

Again, Beauty went with gifts for her sister's wedding.

She returned soon after the wedding, and again the Beast seemed delighted to have her back.

Beauty did not look in her mirror for a long time after that, but suddenly remembered it oneafternoon when the Beast could not join her.

What she saw made her feel quite weak. Her father was ill in bed, and there were doctors andher sisters standing around him shaking their heads.

As soon as the Beast returned, Beauty ran to him. "Please, I must go home," she said. " Myfather is very ill and I must be with him."

"Very well," said the Beast. "But please take this ring with you. If the stone is bright then I amwell, but if it turns dull, I am dying."

Beauty arrived home to find her father as she had seen him.

"He's been asking for you," said her sisters.

As soon as he saw his daughter, the merchant began to improve. Autumn came and went, andthe merchant begged Beauty to stay.

"I am still a little weak," he said. " And it will be winter soon. Return to the Beast in spring."

Beauty agreed, and Christmas and winter were spent at the cottage.

One day, in early spring, Beauty was sorting through some drawers and found the ring that theBeast had given her.

The stone was dull and lifeless.

"I must go back!" she cried.

She left the cottage, the carriage speeding to take her back to the Beast's mansion.

"Please, don't let me be too late," she wept. She had grown very fond of the Beast, and wasvery upset that she hadn't looked at the ring for so long.

The carriage swept into the drive and went up to the house. She leapt out and ran into thehouse, but the Beast was nowhere to be found. She called and called, but there was no answer.

" He must be in the garden," she said, and she ran out, calling his name.

"Beauty," she heard his voice gently whisper. She found him by a great bush of red roses.

Beauty ran to him and sat down to cradle his ugly head in her arms. She was crying and tellinghim how sorry she was. He was very weak.

"Oh, Beast, " she wept. "Please don't die. I do love you."

There was a sudden flash of light, and Beauty no longer held the Beast in her arms! She lookedup and saw a handsome man standing by the rose bush.

"Where is the Beast?" she asked, looking round.

"Here," said the man, " I was the Beast and I was dying. I needed you to say that you love me.Now my stepmother's spell has been lifted."

Beauty was delighted, and she and the young man were soon married. They lived happily in thebeautiful mansion with the rose garden.
