
发布时间:2017-05-07 15:42



(考试时间:120分钟 总分:117分+3分卷面分=120分)


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( ) 1. What time does Jennifer go to bed?

A. At 9:00. B. At 10:00. C. At 11:00.

( ) 2. Why does Jim like dolphins?

A. Because they’re exciting. B. Because they’re cute.

C. Because they’re fun.

( ) 3. Does John like his job?

A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Yes, he is.

( ) 4. What is the girl doing ?


( ) 5. How is the weather in BeiJing?


第二节 情景反映


6. A. She’s in Class One . B. She’s in Grade Seven. C. She is school.

7. A. Banana B. Orange juice C. Bread

8. A. It’s my desk. B. It’s yellow. C. It’s in the classroom.

9. A. No, I don’t. B. Yes, it is. C. No, it hasn’t.

10. A. Sunday B. Jim’s C. At Tianjin Stadium

11.A. At 7:00 pm B. At noon C. At 6:30

12.A.He’s in the room. B. He gives me a book. C. He likes music.

13. A. That’s a good idea. B. It’s over there. C. Tomorrow.

14. A. Two weeks B. Three C. An hour

15. A. Yes, she is . B. Yes, she has. C. Yes, she can.

第三节 对话理解


16. A. Mike B. Mary C. Lily

17. A. They are on the bed. B. They are in the box. C. They are behind the box.

18. A. A worker B. A teacher C. A doctor

19. A.35 yuan B. 65 yuan C. 95 yuan

20. A. No, it doesn’t . B. Yes, it does. C. No, it isn’t.


21. A. Four B. Six C. Five

22. A. At school B. At home C. In a hospital

23. A. Alice’s brother B. Alice’s sister C. Alice’s mother

24. A. Table tennis B. Basketball C. Football

25. A. No, she can’t. B. Yes, she can. C. We don’t know.

第四节 语篇理解


Name Tom

Age 26 years old

Activities on 27 and Wednesday Plays the piano

On Tuesday and Thursday 28 maths

On Saturday Plays pingpong and does 29

On Sunday Plays 30 games and does his homework


31. _____ is the first day of the week.

A. Monday B. Sunday C. Saturday D. Friday

32 . —What do you usually do ______ your computer ?

—I usually chat ______ QQfriends online.

A. on ; with B. in; with C. in; to D. on ;to

33. — Thank you for your help. — ______

A. Oh, I see B. It’s OK. C. It’s right D. You are welcome.

34. There’s ______ food and drinks in the fridge.

A. a lot of B. a lot C. lot of D. a lots of

35. —Would you like _____ shopping with me ? — Yes, I’d love to .

A. go B. goes C. to go D. going

36. He can ____ his father ____ him.

A . ask; help B. ask; helping C. ask; to help D. to ask ; to help

37. —Have you got a cat ? —Yes, _______ . It is a white cat.

A. Yes, I have B. No, I haven’t C. Yes, I haven’t D. No , I have.

38. —Do you like English ______ maths ?

— I like English .

A. and B. or C. but D. for

39. Water and milk ______ healthy drinks.

A. are B. am C. is D. can

40. We _______ at school from Monday to Friday.

A. is often B. are often C. often is D. often are



A: Hi, Sam .

B: 41

A: What day is it tomorrow ?

B: Today is Wednesday , so tomorrow is Thursday 42

A: There is a new film by Jackie Chan. Would you like to go to the cinema with me ?

B: 43 Is it in the morning or in the evening ?

A: It is on Thursday evening . It is at New Times Theatre.

B: 44 I can send an email to him

A: Yes, please . 45

B: Ok. I think Wu Dong would like to go ,too.



In many English homes people eat 46 meals a day : breakfast , lunch ,tea and dinner(正餐). People have 47 at any time from seven to nine in the morning .They eat porridge (粥 ),eggs or bread . The English people 48 tea or coffee at breakfast .Lunch comes 49 one o’clock . Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and 50 is about half past seven. First they have soup (汤) ,then they have meat or fish 51 vegetables. After that they eat some other things ,like bananas ,apples or 52 .But not all English people 53 like that . Some of them have 5 4 dinner in the middle of the day . Their 55 are breakfast ,dinner ,tea and supper all these meals are very simple.(简单).

46. A. no B. five C. four D. three

47. A. supper B. breakfast C. lunch D. tea

48. A. take B. drink C. do D. has

49. A. for B. on C. at D. in

50. A. dinner B. lunch C. breakfast D. meal

51. A. on B. for C. with D. in

52. A. onion B. potato C. hamburger D. oranges

53. A. talk B. eat C. play D. speak

54. A. his B. your C. their D. our

55. A. vegetables B. meals C. drinks D. food



Alice is a 14-year –old girl. There are three people in her family: her father , her mother and she. They are in Shanghai. Alice likes the colour of red. Look , her jacket and bag are red .She is in Class 4 . There are 22 boys and 18 girls in her class . Her good friends Liu Mei and Li Hong are in Class 4, too. Miss Wang is their maths teacher. She is a good teacher. Her classes are interesting. Maths is not difficult for them!

Alice likes playing computer games ,but she doesn’t play them every day . She plays sports every day. It is good for her health.

56. _______ people are in Alice’s family .

A. Six B. Five C. Four D. Three

57. Alice’s ________ and ______ are red.

A. bag; erase B. bag; notebook C. jacket ; bag D. jacket; hat

58. ______ students are in Alice’s class.

A. 40 B.28 C. 22 D.18

59. Miss Wang’s classes are _______

A. well B. interesting C. boring D. difficult

60. Alice __________ every day.

A. eat apples B. watches TV

C. plays computer games D. plays sports


Learning at home during winter vacation (寒假期间) may be a little boring . Why not go to Beijing,a nice city in China? There you can see many interesting things.

61.When can you go to the Palace Museum ?

A. From 9:00 am— 5:00 pm on weekdays

B. From 9:30 am—5:20 pm on weekdays

C. From 9:30 am—6:30 pm on Sunday

D.From 9:10 am— 7:30 pm on Saturday

62. You can call ______ if you want to go to the Great Wall .

A. 010-86057768 B.010-86057735 C.010-86057798 D.010-86058897

63. How much is it for two kids to visit the the Summer Palace?

A. ﹩30 B. ﹩60 C. ﹩90 D. ﹩ 120

64. What is the address of the WangFujing Department Shop?

A. NanHe Street B. Beijing Street C. West Street D. East Street

65. You can buy something at ____________in WangFujing Department Shop.

A. 6:00am B. 12:00pm C. 9:30am D. 8:00am—11:30 pm


Everyone has a birthday, and most people’s birthday aren’t on the same day. But there is one special birthday for every Chinese . We celebrate it together. 66 It is our motherland’s birthday — 67

On October 1, 1949, Chairman Mao Zedong declared the founding of the People ’s Republic of

China in Tian’anmen Square. From then on , 68 . There are many activities on that day all over China. 69 .Last year was China ’s 60th birthday. The great National Day parade in Tian’anmen Square was exciting. We all were proud of our great country.

This year China is 61 years old . 70 No matter what Plans you have, wish everyone happy National Day!



71. When is Love Teeth Day?

A. September20,1989. B. October 1, 1989 C. October20,1989 D. September10,1989.

72. How many Love Teeth Days do we have by 2010?

A. more than10 B. more than15 C. more than18 D. more than20

73. A good kid should (应该) be_____ to people.

A. bad B. polite C. bored D. boring

74. ________ will show your parents that you are enjoy life.

A. Smiling B. Talking C. Studying D. Crying

75. As a good kid, you shouldn’t_______

A. clean your room B. study hard. C. look for any trouble D. thank others

六、 综合读写(共30分)请将答案填在答题卷上



A: Excuse me .Is there a hospital _76 here?

B: Yes, there is. 77 name is the First Hospital of Guilin

A: Where is it ?

B: It’s __78___the building .What are you going there to do?

A: My friend Tom hurts his leg. I want to 79 him to the hospital.

B:You may 80 there by tax.

A: Thank you.


请根据所给首字母或中文提示 ,写出单词在句中的正确形式。将单词完整地写在答题卷上。

81. How m______ apples do you have?

82. The p________ of the book is 25 yuan.

83. Liu Dehua is one of my favourite s_____.

84. My friends Linda likes drinking j_________.

85. The blue whale is the largest a_________ in the world.

86. We _______ (吃) lunch at half past eleven.

87. Please _______ (打印) the document , Wei Hua.

88. I like that book, _______ (也).

89. My mother is a ________ (医生) at the hospital.

90. — Where’s the gym? — It’s in a ________ (建筑物)in front of the office .

C.五、书面表达。(共12 分)




1—5 AAABA 6—10 ABBBA 11—15 CCABC 16—20 B A B A B

21—25 C AC C B 26. fifteen 27. Monday 28. learns 29. housework 30. computer

二、单项选择 31—35 BADAC 36—40 CABAB

三、补全对话 41—45 DCEBA

四、完型填空 46—50DBBCA 51—55 CDBCB

五、阅读理解 56—60 D CABD 61—65 ABBAC

66—70BACED 71—75ADBAC


A 76. near 77. Its 78 .behind 79. take 80 go

B 81. many 82. price. 83. singers 84. juice 85. animals

86. eat 87. print 88. too 89. doctor 90. building

C 书面表达:

Here is my room .It’s nice . This is my bed . A black and white quilt is on it. A bookcase is in the room.Some books are on the bookcase . A clock and a picture are on the wall. Where is my computer? Oh, it’s on the desk.A chair is under the desk.
