
发布时间:2016-12-02 17:17



1) No one knows the location of the hidden treasure.谁也不知道藏宝地点在哪里。

2) The old lady enjoys a quiet life with her family.老太太和她的家人安享宁静的生活。

3) The population of the city is close to a million.这个城市的人口接近一百万。

4) We are prohibited from smoking on school grounds.我们被禁止在校园内抽烟。

5) Growth, however, brings new problems and concerns.不过,发展也带来了新的问题和顾虑。

6) He appears to be your friend but I doubt if he is.他看上去像是你的朋友,但我怀疑他是否是真心的。

7) I am so full that I would burst with another bite.我吃得如此之饱,我感觉我再吃一口肚子就要胀破了。

8) I have two cats. One is white, the other is black.我有两只猫,一只是白猫,另一只是黑猫。

9) I'm sorry, these books are days overdue.小姐,对不起,这两本书已经过期天了。

10) J alu has forgotten falling off his bicycle.詹露早忘掉他从白行车上摔下来这件事了。








An invigorating autumn climate grassland on the big race, once a year will be opened.

Hundreds of thousands of horses early on from each place together and you ambitious, because the winner will be sending to the palace became the Royal horse and the champions will also become the emperor horse. This life is the dream of every horse. The inclusion in the herd, the young horse was full of confidence in victory. Like Gunma said, who can contend with it? Despite this, the night before the game, a still early on to rest, to win the top.

In the sweet sleep, horse hind legs suddenly received hard kick hit. It awakens, the attackers had fled. Match was held according to schedule, with two broken legs maxima to force competition, even before a hundred names did not enter, it had no choice but to painfully back home. After a few months, keep a good hurt horse began to gallop on the grasslands. Blue sky and white clouds, sunrise and sunset, happy to return to it.

In the fall of second, went to the horse jockey club. The game, mount a horse horse shoulder with heel. It is said that the winners will become general mounts, follow the general on the battlefield of meritorious service. This is the same a dream.

This time, horse came to the starting line safe and sound. The starting gun, Gunma Pentium forward soon, Chollima will take the lead, the other horses will end up getting away. But the champion is not it. The way ahead maxima due to admit the direction of regret missed the place. Regret the horse had to return to the familiar home.

Grass grass and honor, still every day on the prairie horse gallop, like the wind. It ushered in the third prairie horse racing. The Jockey Club, the horse is far less than twice before, because the winner only to each post to become a horse passing instruments ordinary horses. However, it still shows a remarkable strength and become worthy of the name champion. After it came to a remote station, while eating the food in general, it still diligently in the Yidao running, daily hard to send documents notices.

Huakaihuaxie, the horse was not as summer goes and winter comes, the post road has been running for two years. One day, suddenly the enemy invasion, border emergency. Then the border urgent distress letter, Chollima stallions, a continuous run of three days and three nights, correspondence with the fastest speed, the most short time sent to the emperor. Due to the attack in time, the danger soon lifted. To appreciate the emperor horse, it will give the most excellent general. So, the maxima with its long cherished wish, to make contributions in the battlefield.

At this time, it is more and more to understand life's famous dictum, that is: dream is more important than talent, more important than talent is a state of mind. In the face of setbacks and tribulations of life unexpected, only the positive enterprising, bent towards the front, to get out of the troubles of their own shadow, don't bury their own thousands of miles of the material, and thus missed the ushered in another opportunity a chance, and finally let your dream flowers open.











