新人教版高三英语必修二Unit 3练习试题及答案

发布时间:2017-04-08 17:07

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新人教版高三英语必修二Unit 3练习试题

1.John thinks it won’t be long ______he is ready for his new job .

A.when B.after C.before D.since

2.In this lecture ,I can only give you a purely ______view of how we can live life to the full and make some suggestions about the future .

A.private B.personal C.unique D.different

3.The development of the information _______is making the world become samller .

A.operator B.technology C.signal D.intelligence

4.As we all know ,the Industrial _______took place in England first .

A.Revolution B.Dynasty C.Gymnastics D.Character

5.Jack equals his brother in strength but not in _______.He is slower in thinking .

A.rocket B.appearance C.tube D.intelligence

6.Marilyn’s dream of being a film star became a _______,which delighted her parents very much .

A.signal B.reality C.glory D.goal

7.He chose Italy ,but _______I’d prefer to go to Spain .

A.personally B.logically C.swiftly D.regularly

8.Add these numbers together with a calculator and then give me the _______.

A.host B.coach C.total D.finance

9.You have got to fill in this _______form before we arrange for a job interview .

A.really B.application C.reception D.expression

10.Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health .It may also be good for _______building .

A.respect B.character C.reputation D.friendship

11.As we sped down the highway ,the lights of the city ________before us .

A.explored B.solved C.arose D.charged

12.We should not judge a person by his _______and the clothes he wears .

A.stage B.quality C.pace D.appearance

13.I can’t tell you the exact time when I will get there ._______,I’ll be there as early as I can .

A.No matter B.Anyhow C.Therefore D.Besides

14.The UN system is a major purchaser of goods and services ,_______over $4 billion a year .

A.to total B.totaling C.totaled D.total

15.Maybe you have a goal to _______,a tricky question to answer or you just want to expand your mind !Here are some techniques to help .

A.achieve B.kick C.catch D.score

16.In our class ,when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book ,it was a ________for everyone to stand up .

A.signal B.chance C.mark D.measure

17.—Didn’t you have a good time at the party ?

----Of course I did .As a matter of fact ,I had such fun that time seemed to ________so quickly .

A.go by B.go away C.go out D.go over

18.In many people’s opinion ,that company ,though relatively small ,is pleasant ________.

A.to deal with B.dealing with C.to be dealt with D.dealt with

19.---I think he is taking an active part in social work .

----I agree with you __________.

A.in a way B.on the way C.by the way D.in the way

20.Tom ,will you please _______my suitcase while I go to get my ticket ?

A.take over B.turn over C.watch over D.run over

21.The city was destroyed by an earthquake and it ________nearly five years before everything came back to normal .

A.cost B.spend C.took D.used

22.She worked _______a clerk in a government department after graduating from college .

A.for B.as C.on D.at

23.The mayor of Beijing said that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics _______by the year 2006 .

A.was completed B.had been completed C.has been completed D.is completed

24.Over time the memory of the computer ________so much that it never forgets anything it has been told .

A.develops B.is developing C.developed D.has developed

25.The loss has not yet been _______accurately ,but it is believed to be well beyond a hundred million dollars .

A.calculated B.considered C.completed D.controlled

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