
发布时间:2017-03-02 17:37

映潮在他的《阅读教学艺术50讲》中特别提出 美文美教的概念:美文必须美教,这是不容置疑的。下面是小编带来的初中英语美文赏读,欢迎阅读!




They don't get up at dawn like you and go to work in the fields, right?


They don't go to school all day and then go back to those same fields.


That's what you do.


And then you come out with me and you run 8 miles, 10 miles, you take on.


You take on even more pain.


These kids don't do what you do. They can't even imagine it.


When I went out in that field that day with you Diaz kids, I'll be honest with you or so.


It's the worst day's work I've ever had to do in my life.


And I said to myself, whatever kind of crappy job I end up in, it'll never be as tough as that.


You kids do it every day.


And your parents hope they can do it everyday, and they'll do it for a lifetime if it means a better life for you.


You guys are superhuman.


What you endured is just to be here to give a shot at this, the kind of privilege someone like me takes for granted.


There is nothing you can't do with that kind of strength, with that kind of heart.


You kids have the biggest hearts I've ever seen!




It was Bob Diamond, recently of Barclays, who defined business culture as "how peoplebehave when no one is watching." Speaking in a lecture sponsored by the Today programmelast year, he declared that business corporations like Barclays had to learn how to be bettercitizens. Leaving on one side the irony of all this, what is remarkable is not that he said it, butthat so many other people are saying it too. Open any edition of the Harvard Business Reviewor look in the comment pages of the Financial Times, and there it is. "What is wrong with theculture of business and how do we put it right?" they're all asking each other.


The Labour MP Jon Cruddas quoted with approval a theologian last year who'd said that ourbasic choice was between a neoliberal and a neo-Aristotelian view of the good society. Neoliberalmeans relying on the free market and the pursuit of self-interest as the driving force, not justin business but in life. We are familiar enough with that. But what about Aristotle, where doeshe come in? The memory of this ancient Greek philosopher is invoked whenever people talkabout virtue and good citizenship, for it is to him primarily that we owe our notions of how weshould behave when no one is watching. We should, he said, behave virtuously, and heclassified virtue under four headings, the so-called cardinal virtues. They are, in whateverorder you like, justice, prudence, temperance and courage. These, said Aristotle, were thepersonal qualities that ancient Athenians needed, in order to be good citizens of democraticAthens to make it work. The many people who are saying that the internal culture of businessbadly needs reform of its values to make it work, are really talking about the Aristotelianvirtues, or something like them. How you behave when nobody's watching depends on qualitiesof character, acquired by good example and by practice.

去年,工党议员乔恩·克鲁达斯引用了他所赞成的一位神学家的言论:我们最根本是要在新自由主义的优质社会和新亚里斯多德主义的优质社会中做出选择。新自由主义意味着依靠自由市场,不仅在商业中,还在生活中把追逐个人利益作为驱动力。这已为我们所熟知。而亚里斯多德有何由来呢?每当人们谈论美德和优秀公民素养时,我们就会想起这位古代希腊哲学家,因为他最关注的就是当无人注意时人们缺少该如何言行的概念。他提倡为人正直,并把美德分为了四个标题,即所谓的基本美德。它们是坚忍 正义、审慎、节制与勇气(排序不分先后)。亚里斯多德说这些是古代雅典人必须具备的品格,这样才能成为一个良好的公民,使民主政体的雅典发展下去。许多人都说企业亟需改革内在文化价值观才能继续运作,他们正是在谈论亚里斯多德式的美德,或者和它类似的东西。当无人留意时,你的行为取决于你通过学习和实践所获得的品质。

One place where these ideas are being systematically thought through, is in what is calledCatholic Social Teaching. Business people are slowly becoming more aware of it, including peoplewho do not normally look towards Rome for anything. It provides, so to speak, the theoreticalbasis for a ready-made architecture of virtue. And it says a business culture based on virtuewould strive towards serving the common good rather than just self-interest, and would evenwork better. As well as Aristotle, it owes a lot to the philosopher Thomas Aquinas, whoChristianised the four cardinal virtues by adding three more: faith, hope and charity. Can thebottom line of successful modern business be humanised by taking all these virtues into itsculture, rather than just profit and the maximising of shareholder value? An increasing numberof people seem to think it has no alternative.




However mean your life is, meet it and live it;


do not shun it and call it hard names.


It is not so bad as you are.


It looks poorest when you are richest.


The fault-finder will find faults in paradise.


Love your life, poor as it is.


You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a poor-house.


The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the richman's abode; the snow melts before its door as early in the spring.


I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts, asin a palace.


The town's poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of any.


Maybe they are simply great enough to receive without misgiving.


Most think that they are above being supported by the town;


but it often happens that they are not above supporting themselves by dishonest means, whichshould be more disreputable.


Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage.


Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends.


Turn the old, return to them.


Things do not change; we change.


Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts.

