在人的生活中最主要的是劳动训练。没有劳动就不可能有正常的人的生活。 —— 卢梭
The most important in one's life is the labor training. No work will not have a normal person's life. -- Rousseau
劳动却是产生一切力量、一切道德和一切幸福的威力无比的源泉。 —— 拉·乔乃尼奥里
The source of all power, all labour is moral and all the happiness of the powerful. -- La Jonanioli
伟大和聪明的人。 —— 高尔基
Great and wise man. -- Golgi
我只相信一条:灵感是在劳动时候产生的。……劳动,这是一切钝感的最好的医生。 —— 奥斯特洛夫斯基
I believe only a: inspiration is generated in the labor time....... Labor, this is the best of all insensitive doctor. -- Ostrovsky
样使人成为我们世界上最美好的东西,都是由劳动、由人的聪明的手创造出来的。 —— 高尔基
How to make people become our most beautiful things in the world, are made up of labor, by human's hands created. -- Golgi
锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦! —— 李绅
ChuHeRiDangWu, sweat wo soil. Who knows the food, grains are hard! -- Li Shen
劳动是人类存在的基础和手段,是一个人在体格、智慧和道德上臻于完善的源泉。 —— 乌申斯基
Labor is the foundation and means of human existence, is a person in the physical, intellectual and moral perfection. -- Ushinski
如果你能成功地选择劳动,并把自己的全部精神灌注到它里面去,那麽幸福本身就会找到你。 —— 乌申斯基
If you can successfully select labor, and put your whole heart into it, then happiness will find you. -- Ushinski
懒惰——它是一种对待劳动态度的特殊作风。它以难以卷入工作而易于离开工作为其特点。 —— 杰普莉茨卡娅
Lazy -- it is a special style to the working attitude. It is to be involved in the work and easy to leave work for its characteristics. -- Jaap Lee F C A
人生在勤,不索何获? —— 张衡
Life in the ground, not what was cable? -- Zhang Heng
临渊羡鱼不如退而结网。 —— 班固
Envy fish than retreat webs. -- Ban Gu
“一劳永逸”的话,有是有的,而“一劳永逸”的事却极少…… —— 鲁迅
"Put things right once and for all", there is some, but "put things right once and for all things rarely"...... -- Lu Xun
社会主义制度的建立给我们开辟了一条到达理想境界的道路,而理想境界的实现还要靠我们的辛勤劳动。 —— 毛泽东
The establishment of the socialist system has opened up a path for us to reach the ideal state, and the realization of the ideal realm needs hard work. -- Mao Zedong
Labor, is a necessity of life. Sing about life, singing is a way for people to express their feelings. The Chinese people are industrious, hard-working people in emotional expression, expression of the passions with singing labor is again appropriate nevertheless. Labor is the source of the song, the first song is combined with the working life, the content is mainly labor life, legend Shennong when people singing the "song of the plough", that is the people sing the melody in field cultivation.
Huainan should train said: "this husband if big wood, hand evil Xu, you should also, the lifting force song also advised." "Weightlifting advised force song" is the original workers labor songs. Such labor songs, is a kind of production means of struggle, is a part of the production technology. It can clean the collective action, organization of labor, one can reduce the labor fatigue, but also can make the work order and increase labor effect.
“断竹,续竹;飞土,逐宍。”这是保存在《吴越春秋·勾践阴谋外传》中的一首原始劳动歌谣,题目叫《弹歌》。这首歌谣仅8 个字,是中国古代现存的最短的诗歌。这首歌谣反映了我国远古渔猎时代人民的劳动生活,描写了他们砍竹、接竹、制作弹弓,并发射弹丸捕猎禽兽的全过程。语言淳朴、自然,概括力极强,以非常简短的诗句真实地描绘了一幅原始先民狩猎图。诗句中流露着原始人对自己学会制造狩猎工具的自豪和喜悦,也表现了狩猎劳动的紧张、活泼和愉快,以及原始人要求获得更多猎物的渴望。
"Broken bamboo, bamboo fly continued; soil, by Rou." This is saved in the "spring and autumn, he said" Wu Yue plot in a original work songs, titled "playing". This song is only 8 words, is the shortest in ancient Chinese poetry. This song reflects the life of our country ancient times the people and labor, describes their cutting bamboo, bamboo, then making slingshots, the entire process and transmit the hunting of animals. Language is simple,natural, it is extremely strong, with very short poem truly paints a picture of primitive hunting. In verse reveals the primitive people to learn to manufacture their own hunting tool of pride and joy, but also showed the hunting labor tension, lively and cheerful, and the original request for more prey desire.
In the ancient Cifu song, the melody of labor has not stopped. You can from "the book of songs" in the "July", "detailed" feel the difficult labor, you can feel the vigorous strength from the work songs, and every kind of the labor scene, more and more people will be found in the different folk songs. The book of songs, Zhou Nan, don 't you have said: "don' t say so thin tsetse, mining..." this song "." "the book of songs" t is very famous poem. This poem is the women's collective labor Life songs, singing the praises of the labor people's love of labor of the noble qualities, poetry filled with joy, accurately convey the joyful rhythm of labor.
The cycle of the seasons, the earth around the sun, the earth's axis is tilted in the direction is the same, in a year, with the revolution of the earth's position, change the sun point location will be regular, globe receive light also changes with the temperature, kept alternately, thus forming as summer goes and winter comes seasons phenomenon. The working people in ancient China according to experience, the four seasons are divided into twenty-four solar term, and write a song: "solar term spring Jing spring cleaning day, summer summer Manwang. Autumn dew autumn frost, snow snow winter chill." Twenty-four solar term song, embodies the working people in ancient China's wisdom.
Listen to labor in classical Chinese poetry, listening to labor. Feeling the labor people love the work attitude of life, feelings of optimism workers actively creating material wealth, feel the charm and glory of labor, it is a kind of happiness. Labor, creating, rich, wonderful, labor dotted the sky of life, but also light up the life road, more abundant spiritual palace.