
发布时间:2016-12-01 19:54


备考 [bèi kǎo]


(an appendix note etc.) for reference




The teacher urged his students to prepare for the exam.


They pretended to be busy with preparation for the exam.


I spent the weekend revising for my exam.


I study for a test a group.


Many students are burning the midnight oil to prepare for the examination tomorrow.


A college student deep into studying for a big exam might do well to give his brain a break.


Preparation and Practice --- Reading and Writing General Training Module


For before graduation, we do not regret for review at the same time!


Even when students are fully prepared, anxiety can be another burden on test day.



It put her off revising for her exams 这影响了她复习备考。

Students should resist the temptation to focus on exams alone 学生们应当抵制诱惑,集中精力备考。

Do you want to study together for the exam? 你们想一起备考 吗 ?

The issue has intensified as the test preparation industry has grown 随着备考行业的发展,这些争论日趋激烈

He didn't tell the children, he was preparing to have postgraduate courses 他没有告诉孩子们, 他正在准备考研究生

New Oriental offers English and other foreign - language classes test -preparation and online instruction 新东方的主要课程包括英语及其它外语类课程、备考类课程及在线教育课程

The final exam is approaching Students are busy preparing for it 期末考试快到了 学生民正在忙着备考

It is this failure of the pro forma 这是本次备考最失败的地方

Students should learn the English language an exam 学生在备考的过程也应该是学习英语的过程

This document should be copied for future reference 这个文件要录以备考

Many students are burning the midnight oil to prepare for the examinationtomorrow 许多考生在备考期间开夜车学习

Translated Description: Net platform has a professional MBA forums serveour students and business school forma 中国MBA教育网拥有专业的MBA论坛,服务于广大备考学生和商学院

One huge problem students are having in preparing for IELTS an inadequateamount of vocabulary 在雅思备考过程中,很多同学都面临着词汇量不足的问题

Will your teachers manage to bring up to scratch before you take theexamination? 老师会在考前指导你们温课备考 吗 ?

Note - Surroundings in this context extend from within an organization to theglobal system 备考:根据此定义之外围环境乃从组织的内部延伸到全球的生态系统

Method I base on my experience and look for a great deal of relatedliteratures 方法通过个人备考和查阅大量相关资料的方法

Language Areas: Study skills; listening; speaking; grammar; reading; writing;research, vocabulary; IELTS preparation 语言版块: 学习技巧, 听力, 口语, 语法, 阅读, 写作, 分析, 词汇, 雅思备考

During the last moment is more important, remember all the emphasis anddigest them 而在备考后期更是重要, 要特别将重点熟记与融会贯通

This course also serves as a preparation course for students taking the graded ABRSM practical examinations 本系列也是备考英皇演奏考级的课程之一

They then begin the long and tiresome grind of preparing themselves forcollege entrance 然后他们开始为准备考大学而进行长期劳累的埋头苦学
