
发布时间:2017-04-05 16:47


优秀英语故事短文:Eddie's Short Visit

Eddie drove over to see Betty. When he got to her apartment at about 3:15 p.m., he saw that her car wasn't in the carport. So he wrote a note: "Hi, Betty. I love you and I miss you. Love, Eddie."

He was about to tape the note onto her front door when he saw her car pull up. She walked up the stairs. Instead of the big smile, hug, and kiss that she usually greeted him with, she simply said, "What's up?"

"You didn't call me back for the last two days, honey, so I came over to see you." He gave her the note. She opened it, read it, and put it on the kitchen table.

"That's sweet," she said. She walked into her bedroom. Eddie followed her. She put her purse on the bed. Eddie tried to hug her.

"I have to wash my hands," she said. When she came out of the bathroom, she told Eddie that he should go home. She said that she was hungry and tired. She was going to fix something to eat. Then she was going to take a nap. She said that she might call him later.

During Eddie's entire five-minute visit, Betty had constantly avoided his eyes. Instead of walking him out to his car, like she usually did, Betty locked her front door as soon as Eddie was outside her apartment.

优秀英语故事短文:Spock Saves His Dad

Spock is a main character in the popular TV show "Star Trek." He is half Vulcan, half human. A Vulcan has no emotions but is extremely smart and logical. Spock joined the all-human crew of the spaceship Enterprise to explore the universe. Spock’s dad, Sarek, is Vulcan. He had wanted Spock to attend the Vulcan Science Academy and then join Sarek’s research firm. When Spock left his family to join the Enterprise, Sarek refused to talk to him anymore.

In one episode, representatives from various planets had an emergency meeting. Sarek and Amanda (Spock’s human mom) came aboard the Enterprise. Spock said hello to his dad, but Sarek ignored him.

The next day, Sarek had a critical medical problem. He was losing a lot of blood and needed immediate surgery. Spock was the only one on the Enterprise who also had Vulcan blood. Even though he could die, Spock offered every drop of his blood to save his dad. Dr. "Bones" McCoy operated on Sarek and saved his life.

The next day, when Sarek was told that his son had saved his life, he didn’t say thank you to Spock. Amanda got very angry with her husband. She told him that he should hug Spock and thank him. Sarek refused. He said that his son did the logical thing.

"You don’t thank someone for doing the logical thing," he told his wife. Spock told Amanda that his dad was right, which made her even angrier.

优秀英语故事短文:Towns Hit by Snowstorms

Redfield, New York, received twelve feet of snow last week. Its neighbors in Oswego are jealous because they got only ten feet of snow. An Oswego resident told a TV reporter that one more storm was coming in that would determine the winner. "I hope we get five more feet," he said. "That'll beat Redfield." This is the most snow the region has received in six years.

"The people who worry about global warming should come visit us. They'll worry less," said a Redfield resident. He said any visitors would have to wait till some snow melted, because most local roads were closed. Even the snowplows were waiting until after the next storm before they began to clear all the roads.

Schools were closed all week. Most kids were happy about it. They couldn't go ice skating or skiing because the roads were closed. But they did play in the snow, make snowmen, and have snowball fights.

"It wasn't a good week for me," complained one high school student. "I had to help my dad shovel all the snow off the roof." When he finished doing that, his dad asked him to shovel the snow off the driveway and the sidewalk. "I can't wait for school to reopen," he said.
