
发布时间:2017-03-08 13:13

对英语作为外语而学的中国学生来说,英语阅读的课堂教学在任何中学都被学习者认为是一门很重要的课程。下面是小编带来的关于青春英语美文摘抄 ,欢迎阅读!



Chilly Today, Hot Tamale"It's my own fault."

Carl Fenter tugged his jacket closer against the abnormal bite of cold morning wind. "The rest of the family is home, where it's warm."

Just another one of his brilliant ideas - a big tamale玉米粉蒸肉 feast after tonight's Christmas Eve service at church - and look where it landed him: waiting in a line 50 people deep.

Who would've guessed that every tamale shop in the city would be sold out the day before Christmas? But they were, as Carl knew. He'd been driving all over El Paso that morning. Determined to bring home the tamales, Carl tried one last tienda商店 , an old favorite out in Canutillo.

When he arrived, a fresh batch一批,一炉 was due off the steamer in 45 minutes. Taking his place at the end of the snaking line of tamale-seekers, he watched the woman in front of him remove her jacket to drape用布帘覆盖 around her shivering颤抖的 youngster. It wasn't long before she, too, shuddered in the chilly wind. After only a moment's hesitation, Carl shed his own jacket and offered it to the grateful mother.

Together, they cheered when the line crept匍匐爬行 forward at last, and smiling people exited the shop toting steamy bags. Finally, Carl got inside the door and inched his way closer to the counter, the woman now first in line.

"Sorry folks," the clerk announced, "that's the last of the tamales."

"No way!" Carl groaned with everyone else lined up behind him.

"But," stressed the man at the counter, "we'll have a final batch ready in, oh, about two hours."

Defeated, Carl backed away, but the young mother grabbed his arm.

"You're leaving?"

"I have to," Carl glanced at his watch. "I promised to put up luminarias圣诞装饰灯at my church."

"I'll get your order of tamales and bring them to your house."

Carl's brow furrowed. "I couldn't ask you to do that."

"But it's the least I can do. You lent me your coat." Her smile overrode践踏,超过his objections. "Just give me your address." She and her little girl settled in for the long wait.

And at exactly noon on Christmas Eve, they delivered four dozen fragrant tamales - along with Carl's brown jacket - to his home.


Cherish the Present

"No difference in the past, non-attachment the future, do not play on the now. Anju now, and happy to live the moment", which Buddhist(佛教徒) Feeling deep sentence, which fell heart, the mind immediately let me have far-reaching everywhere cool.

The moment, how to attract, how temptation(引诱,诱惑) . It is readily available, but fleeting(飞逝的,转瞬的) . Where the snow is like a cold wind plum, frozen ice core incense(香气) , but also lonely and also gorgeous(华丽的,灿烂的) . Also like the warm touch of spring green where it faces the prospect of Tucui also delicate tender again.

And now, and is now, that is not lost treasure in time, before you regret You quietly walked here and now. To me, it is now a tea, a book, a flower, a song, and even a tiny ladybug(瓢虫) , with their ordinary, but they can give me a heart filled with wonderful, original, I was in such a manner like now, like the Enron itself here and now.

Yes, everything around arouses love, even if it is a small friction(摩擦) happy with me, here and now, love and hate have become a deeper appreciation, without much deliberate, without too much cover up, just a bit simple, a little wonderful heart, until we slowly this time, spending just right.

So, ordinary times where it is a good day and day, and obviously have arouses pity. A non-dye heart, a little Zen itself, so that the days wonderful, there are cavity(洞,腔) tune. Life has been so calm and comfortable, so smooth, noisy andimpetuous(冲动的,猛烈的) , I am far away from, I just want a quiet clear in jealously guarding its Rin, in the flat to enjoy a mild taste of the joy of a lonely.

This world is intricate(复杂的,错综的) , and criss-cross, wrapped aroundwrapped(卷绕的,环绕的) around a bit with little trouble runs through the mind, what little trouble, if not pay attention to it, will gradually disappear, if it has repeatedly missed it, retaining possession of it, it will be more and more intractable(倔强的,棘手的) . Buddhist phrase: "hungry to eat, sleep on sleep." It is simple and it is normal. May ask, how many people dull this world, sleep can not rest .

If we do not want to hurt I just want peace of mind to live in quiet air, then we must be clued. Avoidance has been much stronger than a mass of bruises, we are only targeted at serious walking, not artificial, not hypocrites(伪君子) , do not behave themselves, but must not be presumptuous(专横的,放肆的) arrogance. We are only targeted optimistic about their own now, it has been exceeded, more exciting.



Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.


Where there is great love, there are always miracles.


At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.


Happiness is a butterfly, which, when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.


Love is not a matter of counting the days. It's making the days count.


Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.


Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.


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