
发布时间:2017-03-28 21:55




Pioneering consciousness

According to ordinary people's understanding of the most needed funds. In fact, according to the road I have traveled so many years, although the funds are very important, but can not be the first, in the process of college students in the most important thing is entrepreneurial awareness. As an entrepreneur, only with a good sense of entrepreneurship can be found in the business world business opportunities, entrepreneurship! So I put the importance of entrepreneurial awareness in the first place.

Pioneering spirit

Entrepreneurship is a long and arduous task. Difficulties may be beyond the imagination. Like twenty-five thousand miles long march, did not do enough spiritual preparation is impossible to accomplish such a feat. So in the sense of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs need to have make efforts and never give up the spirit of entrepreneurship. Can guarantee entrepreneurial team overcome difficulties, courageously!

Pioneering method

With entrepreneurial awareness and entrepreneurial spirit preparation, entrepreneurs need to have a good method. This requires someone to guide entrepreneurial team, let them detours. On a global scale, why are Silicon Valley entrepreneurs so famous? Many people understand funding problems. Also many wealthy country in fact, especially in Jiangsu and Zhejiang private capital is very developed. But Silicon Valley has a good tradition, there are a large number of entrepreneurial success to help people here new entrepreneurs, this pass, help, bring the tradition of Silicon Valley so famous. We fly investment willing to make such an attempt in the country to help entrepreneurs have a better way.

Business contacts

With awareness, spirit and methods, and can not guarantee entrepreneurial success. In fact, in the entrepreneurial process, contacts played a role in 70%-80%. Many entrepreneurs have good products and services, but because of their lack of social experience and contacts, no one to help them. A startup may be because there is no such contacts and beat. With flying investment such a platform can help entrepreneurs quickly accumulate their contacts, complete leap.

Entrepreneurial knowledge

Entrepreneurs may have good technology, but the entrepreneurial process needs knowledge is all aspects. Including production, sales, management, finance and so on, and this knowledge need to have practical experience as a guide, who can give them investment to provide a good platform, also give guidance in all aspects, let them have the entrepreneurial knowledge.

Venture capital

In the above five conditions, entrepreneurs lack of venture capital. As the saying goes, a penny stumped hero han. Because of the particularity of college students, few people are willing to lend money to them or invest in such a company. The flying investment in addition to the above five aspects of support, but also to provide venture capital business, to college students to support funding. Help college entrepreneurs can quickly start to help their companies thrive!
















2、亚历山大大帝在远征波斯之前,将他所有的财产分给了臣下。其中一个叫皮尔底加斯的大臣非常惊奇。问道:“陛下,那你带什么起程呢?”“希望,我只带这一种财宝。”亚历山大回答说。听到这个回答,皮尔底加斯说:“那么请让我们也来分享它吧。”于是,他谢绝了分配给他的财产。 希望是创造人生的路标,在任何时候都别放弃它。



