
发布时间:2017-03-20 21:07


He did not attend the meeting yesterday. 昨天他没有参加会议。

The first item on the agenda was how to cut down the cost in manufacture. 第一项议程是如何减少生产费用。 Her illness start with a high fever. 她的病以发高烧开始

They have published a lot of new books on international issues. 他们已经出版了很多论述国际问题的新书。

Trade is a top item on the agenda for the APEC summit in Sydney, along with climate change. 商贸与气候改变是在悉尼举行的亚太经合组织峰会的头等议程项目。 Some 300 papers were presented at the conference. 会上发表了大约三百篇论文。 He knew nothing regarding the case 关于这个案子他一无所知。 They worked without result. 他们徒劳无功。


we're here today to present you the results of feedback of consumer. 今天我们要向大家展示我们关于消费者反馈的结果。 He was on his best behavior. 他表现极好。

Today we are going to start the regular meeting as usual. 今天我们照常召开例会。

This meeting is organized by board meeting. 这次大会是由董事会组织。

Let me introduce the members of the board meeting of our company. 让我介绍一下我们公司董事会的成员。 Betty is from the International Department. 贝蒂是来自国际部的。

I would like to give a special welcome to our guests today. 我想今天要特别欢迎我们的客人。 Lady, could you move on a little faster 小姐,你能快一点吗?

If he is anything of a gentleman, he will pay the money. 倘若他是位真君子, 他会付这笔钱的。

I think we'd better look into the market of our products in the first place. 我想我们最好先调查一下我们的产品市场。 I would like to introduce our foreign guests to you. 我想把我们的外国朋友介绍给你。 He is Vice President of our board meeting. 他是我们的董事会副主席。

The goods of last year are still on sales now. 现在还在销售去年的商品。

Let's say you toss a handful of salt into ice water, and the temperature drops to 20 degrees. 假设在冰水里扔一把盐,到结冰温度就降至20华氏度了。 I can't keep up with the class. 我跟不上这堂课的进度。

I need to get some information from the Marketing Department. 我需要从营销部得到一些信息。

How many people will join the luncheon? 有多少人会加入午餐吗?['l nt n] n. 午餐, 午宴 Let me transfer you to our service manager.


He received his doctor-degree in Princeton University.

他在美国普林斯顿大学拿到了博士学位。['prinst n]n. 普林斯顿(美国新泽西州中部的自治市镇) Can I have a copy of your book 我可以影印你的书吗?
