
发布时间:2017-02-14 15:47




Dear Santa, here's my Christmas list.

I hope you'll bring it all.

I've only asked for gifts my parents

can't find at the mall.

I'd like to have a UFO,

with aliens1 inside,

and maybe a Tyrannosaurus Rex

that I could ride.

A ninety-nine foot robot

is a present I could use.

I'll also need a time machine,

and rocket-powered shoes.

Please bring a gentle genie

who will grant my every wish,

and don't forget a wizard's wand,

and, yes, a talking fish.

Of course, I'll need a unicorn,

and won't you please provide

a dragon, and a castle

in the English countryside.

Of course, the weight of all these things

might cause your sleigh to crash.

If that's the case, dear Santa,

please feel free to just bring cash.


He wasn't too good with a razor

and every time he would try

Kris Kringle would cut himself shaving,

so badly it caused him to cry.

The townspeople laughed when they saw him

with cut marks all over his face.

He felt so embarrassed and foolish

he'd lower his head in disgrace.

So one day he threw out his razor,

and all of the townspeople cheered!

No longer would Santa be shaving.

Instead he was growing a beard!

But though he has given up shaving

and grown out a beard white and thick,

most folks still remember those cut marks

and that's why they call him "Saint Nick."


We have a traditional family,

so Christmas is always the same;

we hang up spaghetti and doughnuts

and break out the Slip-N-Slide game.

We stand in the tub in our costumes

of pickles and papier-mache.

We sing "Old MacDonald" til noontime

then practice our indoor croquet.

We gather in front of the toaster

to bask in its radiant glow

while dining on frozen carnations

and filling our pockets with snow.

The highlight is juggling toothpicks

till Grandma gets poked in the eye.

While waiting to hear from the doctor,

we bake a banana cream pie.

Then lastly we put on our helmets

and posture in silly positions.

It's fun to be part of a family

with so many Christmas traditions.


The teacher gave homework for Christmas.

We thought it must be a mistake.

She smiled when she said this assignment

would take up our whole winter break.

Before we return from vacation

we have to make sure it gets done.

It seems that our teacher must like us.

Our homework assignment? Have fun!




3.儿童节英语诗歌朗诵:THE ROSE IN THE WIND



