
发布时间:2017-03-27 13:46



Once when a Lion was asleep a little Mouse began running up and down upon him; this soon wakened the Lion, who placed his huge paw upon him, and opened his big jaws to swallow him.


‘Pardon, O King,’ cried the little Mouse: ‘forgive me this time, I shall never forget it: who knows but what I may be able to do you a turn some of these days?’


The Lion was so tickled at the idea of the Mouse being able to help him, that he lifted up his paw and let him go.


Some time after the Lion was caught in a trap, and the hunters who desired to carry him alive to the King, tied him to a tree while they went in search of a waggon to carry him on.


Just then the little Mouse happened to pass by, and seeing the sad plight in which the Lion was, went up to him and soon gnawed away the ropes that bound the King of the Beasts‘Was I not right?’ said the little Mouse.


Little friends may prove great friends.



A Fox invited a long-beaked Stork to have dinner with him.


“I hope you don’t mind sharing the same dish with me,” said the Fox. “It is our custom in thewoods to eat together to show that we are friendly.”

“希望你不要介意和我和吃一道菜,” 狐狸说,“一同吃饭说明交情好,这是我们森林里的习惯。”

“Not at all,” said the Stork politely.


The Fox brought a wide, shallow bowl of thin soup and set it between them.


‘please help yourself,” he said, setting down to lap the soup with his long pink tongue.


The Stork stood with her long legs apart and put the tip of her long, thin beak into the soup;but although she tried to scoop up the thin liquid it was quite impossible for her to do so.


Even when she did manage to hold a few drops in her beak they were lost long before theycould trickle down to her throat. Too polite to complain, the Stork went home hungry whilethe greedy Fox lapped up all the soup. As she left she heard him laughing to himself at his owncleverness.


A few days later the Stork invited the Fox to have dinner with her in return and the Fox madehis way to her home.


“it is our custom to share a dish, too,” said the Stork, “ I hope you will join me.”


“Certainly, certainly,” said the Fox, licking his lips. He had not eaten all day.


The Stork brought her food. This time, however, it was served in a tall, thin jug with a narrowopening at the top.


“Please begin,” said the Stork, thrusting her beak into the jug.


“Mmmm. It is good.”


Of course the Fox could not get his nose into the jug at all. All he could do was sniff hungrily atthe delicious smell and lick the occasional drop that spilled over the side.


“I suppose I can’t complain,” he said to himself sadly as he made his way back to the woods. “After all, I taught her the trick myself.”



A Tortoise and Scorpion had contracted a great intimacy, and bound themselves with such tiesof friendship, that the one could not live without the other.


One day these inseparable companions, finding themselves obliged to change their habitation,traveled together; but in their meeting with a large and deep river, the Scorpion making a stop,said to the Tortoise:


“My dear friend, you are well provided for what we see before us, but how shall I get over thiswater?”


“Never trouble yourself, my dear friend, for that,”replied the Tortoise,“I will carry you upon myback secure from all danger.”


On this, the Scorpion, without hesitation, got upon the back of the Tortoise, who immediatelytook water and began to swim. But he had hardly got half way across the river, when he hearda terrible rumbling upon his back; which made him ask the Scorpion what he was doing.


“Doing!”replied the Scorpion,“why, I am whetting my sting, to try whether I can bore thishorny cuirass of yours, that covers yours flesh like a shield, from all injuries.”


“Oh, ungrateful wretch,”cried the Tortoise,“wouldst thou, at a time when I am giving thee sucha demonstration of my friendship, wouldst thou at such a time, pierce with thy venomoussting, the defense that Nature has given me, and take away my life? It is well, however, I haveit in my power both to save myself and reward thee as thou deservest. ”


So saying, he sunk his back to some depth under water, threw off the Scorpion, and left him topay with his life for his monstrous ingratitude.

