
发布时间:2016-12-02 05:51




1)I’m getting on well with my study. 我学习状况良好。

2)take several courses at school 在学校学习多门课程

3)do well in… 在......(方面)学得好

4)be weak in…在……(方面)是弱项

5)make progress in… 在……(方面)取得进步

6)improve oneself in…在……(方面)提升自我

7)fail in…在……(方面)失败

8)pass the examination 通过考试

9)take an active part in… 积极参加……活动

10)learn…by heart 记住……

11)work out a (maths) problem 解决(数学)问题

12) get an “A” in the exam 考试中取得优秀的成绩

2. 表达师生关系:

1) get on well with sb. 与(某人)相处好

2) like to be with students 喜欢和学生在一起

3) be gentle with us 对我们很和蔼

4) be kind to sb. 对(某人)很好

5) be strict with one’s puples 对学生要求严格

6) be strict in work 在工作上要求严格

7) We think of him (her) as… 我们认为他(她)……

8) help sb. with sth 帮助某人做某事

9) praise sb. for sth… 因某事表扬某人

10) blame sb. for sth… 因某事责备某人

11) give advice on… 在……(方面)给建议

12) question sb. on… 在……(方面)提问题

13) correct the students’ homework carefully and prepare for the next day 仔细批改学生的作业并为第二天课程做准备

14) make one’s lessons lively and interesting 使(某人)的课堂生动有趣

15) devote all one’s time to work 付出(某人)全部精力工作

3. 课余活动及周末生活:

1) spend one’s time in many different ways 用许多不同的方法来度过(某人)的时间

2) enjoy doing things by oneself 喜欢某事

3) go for an outing/a picnic 去郊游/野炊

4) have an outing at (the seashore) 在(海边)郊游

5) see the sights of Beijing 去北京观光

6) have a picnic over the weekend 在周末去野炊

7) hold a sports meeting 举行运动会

8) enjoy a family trip 家庭旅行玩得愉快

9) get everything ready for 为……准备好一切

10) ride one’s bike with sb. to (the park) 和某人骑单车去公园

11) there are a lot of activities at (the beach) 在海边有许多活动

4. 感观活动与思维活动:

1) look around for… 寻找……,观察……

2) look up (down) at…朝上(下)看……

3) catch sight of… 看到……

4) take notice of… 注意……

5) take view of… 观察……

6) have a good understanding of… 在……有好的理解力

7) consider sb (sth) to be… 认为某人(某事)……

8) everyone is welcome to attend the lecture/ activity 所有来参加这个活动/演讲的人都是受欢迎的

5. 情感与欲望:

1) be pleased with… 为……感到高兴

2) be delighted in doing … 很高兴做……

3) take a pleasure in doing 很高兴做某事

4) be worried about 担心……

5) feel surprised at… 对……感到惊讶

6) be angry with sb. for sth 因为某事而生某人的气

7) look forward to doing… 期望做……

8) expect to do 盼望做……

9) long for (long to do) 渴望做……

10) be sick for one’s home 思乡之情

11) have a strong desire to do… 强烈想做……

6. 健康状况及治疗:

1) be in good shape 体型很好

2) be in good(poor) health 健康良好

3) feel weak (well, terrible, sick) 感觉虚弱(很好、糟糕、生病)

4) have got a high (slight) fever 发(轻微)高烧

5) have a slight (bad) cold 小(严重)感冒

6) take one’s temperature 测某人体温

7) have got a pain in… ……(身体部位)痛

8) be good (bad) for one’s health (eyes) 对某人的身体(眼睛)有益(害)

9) It’s nothing serious. 不严重。

10) save one’s life 挽救了某人的生命

7. 表示原因:

1) There are three reasons for this. 此事有三个原因。

2) The reasons for this are as follows. 此事原因如下。

3) The reason for this is obvious. 此事原因很明显。

4) The reason for this is not far to seek. 此事的原因并不难找。

5) The reason for this is that… 此事的原因是……

6) We have good reasons to believe that… 我们有很好的理由确信……

8. 表示好处:

1) It has the following advantages. 有如下几点优势。

2) It does us a lot of good. 对我们有很多好处。

3) It benefits us quite a lot. 这使得我们受益很多。

4) It is beneficial to us. 这对我们有利。

5) It is of great benefit to us. 这对我们很有益处。

9. 表示坏处:

1) It has more disadvantages than advantages. 劣势远大于优势。

2) It does us much harm. 对我们很有害。

3) It is harmful to us. 对我们有害。

10. 表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能:

1) It is important (necessary, difficult, convenient, possible) for sb. to do sth. 对于某人来说,做某事很重要(必要、困难、方便、可能)。

2) We think it necessary to do sth. 我们认为做某事很有必要。

3) It plays an important role in our life. ……在我们生活中起了很重要的作用。

11. 表示措施:

1) We should take some effective measures. 我们必须采取一些有效手段。

2) We should try our best to overcome the difficulties. 我们应该尽全力克服困难。

3) We should do our utmost in doing sth. 我们应该尽最大努力做某事。

4) We should solve the problems that we are confronted (faced) with. 我们应该解决我们所面临的问题。

12. 表示变化:

1) Some changes have taken place in the past five years. 在过去的5年里发生了一些变化。

2) A great change will certainly be produced in the world’ s communications. 在世界交流方面肯定将会有一个很大的变化。

3) The computer has brought about many changes in education. 电脑给教育带来了许多变化。

13. 表示事实、现状:

1) We cannot ignore the fact that… 我们不能忽略的事实是……

2) No one can deny the fact that… 没人可以否认这个事实……

3) There is no denying the fact that… ……的事实不容否认

4) This is a phenomenon that many people are interested in. 许多人都对这个现象感兴趣。

5) However, that’s not the case. 尽管如此,那并不算什么。

14. 表示比较:

1) Compared with A,B…与事物A相比,事物B……

2) I prefer to read rather than watch TV. 和看电视相比我更喜欢看书。

15. 表示数量:

1) It has increased (decreased) from…to… 从……增长(下降)到……

2) The population in this city has now increased (decreased) to 800,000. 这个城市的人口已经增加(下降)到了80万。

3) The output of July in this factory increased by 15% compared with that of January. 这个工厂的七月份的产量比一月份增长了15%。

16. 表示看法:

1) People have (take, adopt) different attitudes towards sth. 我们对某事持有(采取)不同态度。

2) People have different opinions on this problem. 对于这个问题人们有不同的意见。

3) People take different views of (on) the question. 对这个问题人们采取不同的观点。

4) Some people believe that … Others argue that… 一些人认为……另一些人认为……

17. 表示结论:

1) In short, it can be said that… 简而言之,可以这么说……

2) It may be briefly summed up as follows. 可以简要地归纳如下。

3) From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that… 从以上所述,我们可以得出结论……

18. 套语:

1) It’s well known to us that…如我们所熟知的……

2) As is known to us… 我们知道……

3) This is a topic that is being widely talked about. 这个话题正在被广泛地讨论着。

4) From the graph (table, chart) listed above, it can be seen that… 从以上的图表中我们可以看到……

5) As a proverb says, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” 俗话说:“有志者事竟成”。

19. 信件常用语:

1) Your letter came to me this morning. 我早上收到了你的信。

2) I am glad to receive your letter of July the 20th. 我非常高兴收到你7月20日的来信。

3) I’m writing to you about the lecture to be given next Monday. 我给你写信的内容是关于下星期一的演讲。

4) I’m writing to ask if you can come next week. 我写信给你是想知道你下星期是否能来。

5) How time flies! It’s three months since I saw you last. 时光如梭,自我上次见你已有三个月了。

6) Thank you for your letter. 感谢你的来信。

7) In reply to your letter about (the exhibition this year)…回复你信中关于(今年的展览)……的事情

8) Let me tell you that… 我告诉你……

9) Best wishes! 衷心地祝福!

10) Look forward to (your coming)/ receiving your letter. 期盼(你的到来)/收到你的来信。
